Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
Do not allow the Holy Eucharist to be profaned or even taken from you!
- Message No. 767 -

My child. My dear child. Sit with Me and listen to what I, your loving Mother in Heaven, want to say today to the children of the earth: Now kindle the light that shines within you, for the attacks of the evil one are strong, and My Son "threatens to destroy" him, but he can only do so insofar as he desecrates your churches, desecrates your sanctuaries, has your saintly statues and relics removed, and has his worship conducted in your Mass celebrations, for My Son will never pass away, just as God the Father never passes away, for: God is Almighty, HE IS Creator of Heaven and Earth and all being, HE IS the Beginning and Eternity as is HIS Son WHO WILL BE ETERNALLY with you, for HE was sent for you all by the Father for redemption and homecoming, but it is up to you to accept HIM, acknowledge HIM and profess HIM, for you too are created for eternity, and in eternity you will "live", but you decide whether with the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit or in captivity of the devil, who will now soon be defeated by Jesus and the Heavenly Hosts of the Father.
My children. Let your light now shine, which the Lord has placed in you, and stick to your Jesus! He is the way, the light and the love. So now defend His "legacies" here on earth and celebrate the Holy Mass as HE taught you! Do not let the Holy Eucharist be profaned or even taken away from you! Jesus is Holy, and He lives "among" you, because His Light burns in each one of you, and His Holy Body and Blood are given to you in each celebration of the Mass.
So now celebrate your Christmas intimately and full of joy in HIM, in your Messiah, for the Lord was born to you, for the redemption of you and your world! Honor HIM! Praise the Father, for it is through HIS immeasurable love that HE sent HIS Son to you, so that sin may be redeemed*
With deep and grateful love, your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
* Note: in the sense of "sin is banished" .
Source: ➥