Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Sunday, December 21, 2014
Look behind the cunning game of your earth and pull out completely!
- Message No. 788 -

Bonaventure sad: My child. My dear child. Your world events are catastrophic. Those who have influence are those who seek your destruction, and they dominate your world with their money, which gives them great power. Your politicians cannot do anything against these "power vultures", because whoever opposes them will be "abdicated".
My children. The power vultures of your world are globally interconnected, interwoven, and range from royalty to presidents. It is one family in particular that holds the "game threads". From it there are "blood ties" into all areas of your lives, where "influence" can be exercised and where power, distraction and seduction can be and are exercised.
My children. Your world politics hangs on "one thread" and not, as you think, on many different communities of interests. No matter who holds the "reins" in the hand: The goal is always the same! So don't fool yourselves and don't trust in men, because you are led by the "deceiver" himself.
So now trust in Jesus, in your Savior, and do good in your lives.
Pray, My children, for guidance and grace to the Lord, for only through and with Jesus will you safely enter the New World, but without HIM you will fall at the feet of the devil's henchmen, and they will hand you over to their master himself, for their only goal is to please him, not knowing that he will also "trample" them underfoot.
My children. Never get involved in the devil's game, because you will lose it. Fully confess your Jesus, for HE is the only way for you to be gloriously lifted up and not lost to the devil.
Look behind the cunning game of your earth and pull yourselves out completely. Thus you will not perish, but you must prepare yourselves for the return of Jesus.
My children. Believe and trust and do not be afraid. Everything We tell you comes from the Father Himself. He gave it to Us, and it is for your preparation.
So believe and trust and find Jesus completely. He is your Redeemer and your Savior, and with Him you will enter the New Kingdom.
So confess now and wait no longer. The saints and I, your Saint Bonaventure, will help you if you ask Us. Amen. So be it. With love, your Saint Bonaventure. Amen.
Source: ➥