Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
The greatest gift of all!
- Message No. 790 -

My child. My dear child. There you are. Good morning, My daughter. Please tell the children of the earth today to be reflective this Christmas season. All the stress makes the true miracle of Christmas fade away, and very few of you are celebrating it in anticipation of My Son, your Jesus.
So, dear children, reflect and honor the Holy Child Jesus, born to you on Christmas Eve, for the redemption of you and the world. You should honor this great gift with reverence and thanksgiving, because the Father in Heaven has sent you His Son to earth.
Pray now, My beloved children, and honor and give thanks to the Father in Heaven, for HE IS the true and only God, Father and Creator of your and all creation. Love HIM, honor HIM and thank HIM, because the greatest of all gifts HE has sent you out of love.
So now, My children, turn within yourselves and feel the love that emanates from HIM and Jesus: it fills, it warms, it heals, it is unique, it is divine.
My children. So, celebrate your Christmas in a contemplative way and enjoy this precious gift: the Lord was born to you and you have received the greatest gift of all.
Turn within yourselves, My children, and reflect. Jesus is waiting for you, so run to HIM and give HIM your YES. Amen.
I love you, your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Source: ➥