Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, January 2, 2015
You dismiss it as "fads"!
- Message No. 800 -

My child. My dear child. There you are. Please tell the children of the earth the following today: So much evil is already in your world, yet you pay no attention to it, trivialize it, dismiss it as "fads" and run straight into the arms of the beast!
Children, be warned, because the devil wants to seize the power! Through his "servants" on earth, his "believing" and lost worshippers, he manipulates you in all areas of your life. He "trivializes" his evil, satanic works and signs to you with the help of all those who don't want to see the truth, who are addicted to him, brainwashed and cunning and contaminated by his "views and lies", and you also run after him by accepting his sign, wearing it on your fashion, ACCEPTING it in, on and around you, instead of standing up and putting a stop to it all!
My children. Pray so that the worst may be stopped. My Son will come again, but you must remain strong and steadfast and by no means follow the puppets of the devil!
Get up, My children, and break out of all the confusion and temptations of the devil to take you for fools, because you are distracted, kept away from the essential, kept "on your toes", so that you never come to rest and find time neither for Jesus nor for prayer!
My children. Limit yourselves to the essentials and do not open doors to the devil! You are in the end times, so prepare yourselves and turn away completely from earthly temptations. Heap up spiritual riches, but not earthly ones, because these will not bring you to My Son and to the Kingdom of Heaven, but they will bind you and hold you so that you remain stuck and do not find salvation.
My children. Jesus is your way. So give yourselves completely to Him. I, your Holy Mother in Heaven, will help you if you ask Me sincerely and begin to give your YES to Jesus. Amen.
With love.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Source: ➥