Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Saturday, January 31, 2015
You must not follow these rites at any time!
- Message No. 830 -

My child. My dear child. There you are. Please say the following to the children of the world today: Your light must shine more than ever, for darkness is now entering your world and will "darken" your world and your existence, for: The evil one is implementing his plans, and more and more he will bring his shadows into your existence, taking away the light of My Son and bringing his satanic signs, customs and rites among you and introducing them into the Holy Church of My Son!
Children, be warned, for you must not follow these rites at any time! You will be conned and used, because the devil will let himself be "worshipped"! Celebrate your Holy Masses in secret where this is already taking place, because: My Son will be among you and will be with you and will lead you, but you will not find HIM there, where the devil lets himself be worshipped!
My children. Stay alert, because the end is at your door! Pray, My children, pray, because through all your prayers the worst will be stopped, but you must pray in the intentions of My Son, consecrate yourselves to HIM, so that HE can act in and through you, uphold the Word of the Lord -His Word-, remain faithful and devoted to HIM and trust in Our Word, because this is the last mission of the Father to save still many children/souls, but soon it will find its end, your world will "sink"/go under and all those who have not confessed Jesus will be devoured and pushed into the hell fires.
My children. Do not let this happen! Convert now and confess Jesus! Do not become slaves of the beast, but give your YES to Jesus! A YES is enough to take the first step, so now cry out to Jesus your YES and begin to prepare for eternity at the Lord's side, which will now soon begin for all faithful children.
My children. Hold on! If you feel small, then run to Jesus, because with HIM you are great! If you feel weak, then run to Jesus, because with HIM you are strong! If you don't know how to go on, then run to Jesus, because with HIM you will not get lost! When you doubt, fear and are saddened, then run to Jesus, because His Holy Spirit will "inflame" you, give you love and grant you clarity! Ask HIM, and so it will be. Amen. I love you, your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
"Jesus is your way. Your only way to glory. Amen."
Source: ➥