Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Thursday, February 5, 2015
So follow My wish and distribute the prayer!
- Message No. 834 -

My daughter. My daughter so beloved by Me. Please tell the children of the world today the following: I, your Father in Heaven, am deeply grieved. I love you so much, yet few of you return that love. Most turn away from Me, your Creator, and get caught in unrealities and snares of the devil, not seeing how dangerous this is for their eternity!
My children. My children so loved by Me: wake up, and rise from your "slumber", because ACT NOW, before it is too late for you!
You must confess Jesus, My Son sent to earth for you, honor HIM and swear your allegiance to HIM, so that you will not be lost, so that you will learn to discern, so that you can come before HIM, your Savior, receive HIS love, endure HIS light, HIS presence and HIS purity, when HE comes again soon from heaven to earth, to warn you first, so that you can "correct" and change, to come then to conquer over the devil and all evil, because when HE comes, from heaven high with all the signs, then you must have confessed HIM, so as not to be drawn into the mire of corruption -the hell of Satan!
My children. There is not much time left. Do not wait for Jesus to stand before you in human flesh and blood, for that will not happen! He will not dwell among you as a man, but He will stand before you so that you can correct and change yourselves!
Many will not see HIM because they are unclean and corrupted by the filth of the world. They cannot stand His light, His purity and His love.
Many will die from you, because of the "impact" that will be caused in you. It is again those of you who are impure and defiled and cannot stand SO MUCH PURITY!
Many will go running, because they "cling" to the devil, and the time after that will be sinful, and unscrupulously they will try to implement their plans of destruction and world takeover, but, My beloved children, My chiding hand will put an end to all that.
Jesus will come and conquer and lead you faithful children into His New Kingdom.
So trust, My children, and remain faithful to Jesus! Turn back, if you have not yet found Jesus, and consecrate yourselves to My Son! Every day anew! For this, take the consecration prayer n.31 andlearn for the days of warning -although this itself will last only a moment -the prayer of "conversion" in the hour of death (deliverance prayer n.32).
This prayer will save thousands of children from damnation, if you translate it into all languages, it will save millions upon millions!
So follow My desire and distribute the prayer, for it is powerful and will "kick" the devil with every soul THAT DOES NOT LOSE THROUGH THIS PRAYER. Amen.
Prepare yourselves and live in love for Jesus. It is this love that will prevail in the end. Amen. Amen.
I love you.
Your Father in heaven.
Creator of all God's children and Creator of all being. Amen.
Source: ➥