Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, February 16, 2015
Numbers that WILL be crossed off the devil's list!
- Message No. 846 -

My child. My dear child. Good morning, My child. There you are. Please tell Our children the following today: The times are darkening, and even though you do not see it (yet), the evil one is skillfully leading you into his traps, which will snap shut and there will be no escape, unless you rise up, say YES to My Son, your Jesus, and DON'T FOLLOW THOSE WHO HAVE BEEN SERVANTS OF THE DEVIL FOR A LONG TIME, and who keep pulling more and more servants "into the ship", so that the disaster can take its course and NO CHILD OF GOD will be spared from Satan's plans!
My children. You must now rise up and confess, because only with Jesus will you find a way out! The devil will have no power over you, because Jesus is "more powerful" than the devil will ever be! No matter how big and how far the devil will expand his army, he cannot win against Jesus. So now trust in your Savior, for the victory will be His!
All faithful children will be lifted up and live happily in the New Kingdom, but the decision is up to you, because if you turn your back on Jesus and rather follow those who have come along, you will not know the glory, and your going astray will cost you eternity at the Lord's side!
My children. Confess Jesus and wait no longer! Unite in prayer with His remnant army that has already mitigated and kept away so many calamities! Your prayer is strong! And the love in your heart will win, but you must be completely with Jesus, LET the Holy Spirit WORK IN YOU and not give in to the innovations of your world!
You are being spied on, you are being spied upon, and you are all just numbers that will be removed from the devil's list if you don't fit into "his plans" and/or "they" think you are too many on the population list! My children. The plans of the evil one are cruelest, but you can do something against it!
Your prayer is the weapon for it, THE MOST POWERFUL thing you have! So use it and pray a lot, My children! Pray fervently and always when We call you! Never let your prayer be interrupted and connect with your saints and the angels of the Father! Your guardian angel will sustain your prayer, but you must ask him for it! Always pray also at Our times (12 and 15 o'clock) and in the intentions of My Son!
Your prayer is strong! Your prayer is powerful! Your prayer is your weapon in this time of the end. Use this "weapon" that the Father gives you and remain faithful to Jesus!
I love you and I thank you, My children.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of Salvation. Amen.
Source: ➥