Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, February 23, 2015
I urge you to make a sign, in love for My Son and in peace!
- Message No. 853 -

My child. My dear child. Please say the following to the children of the world today: It is important that you stand firm against evil and pray, My children!
Evil is making its way into all areas of your daily lives, and more and more it is being tolerated, and that, My beloved children, cannot be!
You will perish in murder and infamy, in ruthlessness and violence, if you do not pray and peacefully set a -multiple- sign!
You must rise up for those who already experience so much suffering, and not stand idly by -or look away- according to the motto "that's none of my business"!
Stand up and raise your voice for the suffering children of My Son, because they are "desecrated" alive and have to endure the most unscrupulous acts on themselves and their children!
Arise and stand up for them!
Call attention and peacefully set a -several- sign, because only you can change something, these children have long lost all human rights!
Stand up and move something!
I love and I thank you.
Don't continue to look as if you can't do anything, and especially don't just look away! These people depend on ALL of you, because if no one stands up, they will continue to suffer the greatest suffering! Amen.
I ask you urgently to set a sign, in love for My Son and in peace. No agitations, no malice.
Pray, My children, for your prayer perseveres against the evil power. Amen.
Your Mother in Heaven, full of tears and pain for the suffering children of My Son. Amen.
Source: ➥