Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, March 2, 2015 far evil is already tolerated!
- Message No. 860 -

My child. My dear child. There you are. Please tell the children of the world the following today: You must let your light shine in this world of darkness, and you must set signs for peace in your world, because evil plans are to be implemented, and you must rise up, so that you do not perish in war, in violence, in murder and brutality, because so far evil is already tolerated and presented as the "good", but everything is only appearance and deception, and would you look behind the scenes, open your eyes finally for the truth, then you would recognize the lie, with which the devil procures himself more and more power in your world, without which also only one child of God "stands up to him"!
Rise up and stand up for My Son! Only with HIM you will "survive" this time! So don't let HIM be taken from you, because WITHOUT HIM YOU ARE LOST!
Accept the gifts of the Father and pray, My children! Your prayer is strong and powerful! So use it and bring about good through your prayer, and DON'T LET YOURSELF BE SILENT -and in many places even APPROVING(!)- OVERRULED BY THE DEVIL! He wants the power, the control over you, and he wants your downfall!
So pray, My children, and remain faithful to Jesus, because only HE is the way to the Kingdom of Heaven, and only with HIM you will not be lost. Amen. So be it.
Whoever thinks he can make it "alone" is mistaken. Only with Jesus will you experience Eternal Life in Glory, but without HIM your soul will perish in the fires of hell, but it will NEVER die, for God your Father created it for eternity, and eternally it will live, and ONLY YOU DECIDE WHERE!
Choose well, My children! Amen.
I love you.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Source: ➥