Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, March 4, 2015
His irresponsibility will "tear" his soul!
- Message No. 862 -

My child. Please tell the children of the world the following today: Open your hearts to My Son and do not allow the devil to darken your soul, for: Like blinded sheep you run after the one who leads you to the slaughter!
Open your eyes to the truth and recognize the signs of the times! He who does not prepare himself will be lost, for your days on earth are numbered.
Open your ears and listen carefully! Pick out not only the good, what you hear, but listen EXACTLY and TALK NOTHING FINE, because so you lull yourselves in a false, non-existent security, ONLY TO REassURE YOUR KNOWLEDGE, and play at the same time to the evil, because everyone, who blue-eyed and lulling himself in false security does nothing and/or even follows him (the devil), will not only lose himself his Eternal Life to the devil, but will burden himself with the greatest guilt, because he drags many innocent souls with him into perdition, BECAUSE HE DIDN'T TURN TO JESUS, but calmed his conscience with lies and half-truths, ONLY TO NOT HAVE TO CHANGE HIMSELF, and this will cost him dearly, because he pays with his eternity, which he gives away KNOWLESSLY to the devil, indifferent to any warnings, and he plunges others into hell with him, especially the one who has family and children, and for this great debt, that he loads on himself, he will be tormented for eternity, and this torment is great, because he becomes aware of his great guilt through irresponsibility that he has displayed during his lifetime, and this alone will "tear" his soul, and it will suffer, suffer, suffer.
My children. Turn back, for hell is not a place you should head for!
Create treasures for eternity at the side of the Lord and Father and confess Jesus, because only HE is the key to eternity, but without HIM you will be lost. Amen.
Arise, for only a little time remains to you. Amen.
I love you.
Your Mother in heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Source: ➥