Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, March 9, 2015
This moment will be unique!
- Message No. 872 -

My child. My dear child. Tell Our children today to convert, because only their conversion will snatch them from the devil and save them from falling into hell!
My children. My Son suffers so much because of the sin committed by you, which has never been more, never greater, never more contemptuous, never more immoral than it is today.
Children, wake up and snatch yourselves from the power of Satan, which he exercises over you through every kind of sin!
Don't think good is bad and evil is good, because these are the lies of Satan, who subliminally and step by step over decades and -hundreds has sold you the good as boring, worth nothing and prudish and thus presents you the evil as the good, the absolutely desirable, and you run directly into its trap, purposefully towards its hell and do not make yourselves aware of the danger in which you move, in which you live and do not recognize the dimensions which this, your misbehavior will have for your eternity!
Children stop and turn back! Find to Jesus, My Son, because only HE is your Savior! HE is the way to the Kingdom of Heaven, and only with HIM and through HIM you will experience the glory in eternity!
Without HIM you are lost, and that, My beloved children, you will realize at the latest when hell closes behind you and you abruptly recognize the lie of the devil, but then, My beloved children, it is done for your eternity, and there is no turning back: it is too late for you!
So turn back NOW, before it is really too late for you, because: The time of preparation is drawing to a close, and he who has not made use of it will not have the joy of the glory of the Lord!
He will suffer and have pain, his soul will "tear", and many of you will want to flee or die, but your only way is My Son, your Jesus.
So confess to Him and learn the prayer No.32, because this prayer will be able to save your soul -and that of your loved ones- when the warning comes "surprisingly" for you! It is your last chance to confess Jesus. There will not be another one!
So turn back, My children, and get ready for My Son. Carry joy in your heart, because this moment, where HE "stands before you", will be unique and full of joy for those who love HIM. Amen. So be it.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Source: ➥