Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
That is why the Father sends you these heavenly messages!
- Message No. 873 -

My child. Write now. Please tell the children today that We love them. Our love for them is infinite, and no child shall be lost and suffer forever, therefore the Father sends you these heavenly messages to make you aware, to make you repent, and to prepare you for the end of the world, which is accompanied by the most evil deeds and works of the devil and his antichrist and which will come to an end in the 3 dark days and now every child -each one of you- still gets the chance to find to Jesus, so that he can enter the New World, so that he won't get lost to the adversary,so that he will gain Eternal Life at His side and his soul can live happy and fulfilled forever.
My children. Get up and get ready, because much time does not remain for you. These messages are for your preparation and are a gift from Heaven, from God your Father, who loves you "above all" and whose love is infinite and merciful. Amen.
Make haste, for soon mercy will give way to justice. Amen.
Your loving Mother in heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Source: ➥