Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, April 24, 2015
You idealize those who bring you down!
- Message No. 920 -

My child. Today tell the children to profess My Son, to find completely to HIM, because only through Jesus you will find salvation, without HIM NO ONE will be able to enter into the glory of the Father, i.e. without Jesus you will be lost, neither will experience the Eternal Life at the side of the Lord, nor the 1000-year peace in the New Kingdom, which will come already soon.
My children. Jesus is your only chance! Without HIM your soul will not attain resurrection, but it will suffer for eternity in the hell fires of Satan, who is doing everything to "capture" you, to "steal" you from "God" and expose you to greatest confusion in this time, which so many children (still) do not recognize, because his falsehoods are hidden in truths, and since you idealize, My children, what We have been warning you about since the beginning of these messages, you do not notice the lies, which are difficult to recognize as such.
You are not vigilant, and this can become fatal, because you believe those who tell untruths, "lift them to heaven" and "elevate" them to WHAT THEY ARE NOT(!) and run the greatest risk of being lost.
Only Jesus is the truth. The whole truth and the only truth! So consolidate yourselves in HIM! Pray to the Holy Spirit for clarity and guidance and stop seeing only what you want to see, hearing only what you want to hear, and "idealizing" those who bring you down! Amen.
Be warned, My children, for you run the greatest risk of being lost. Amen.
With love, your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Source: ➥