Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, May 4, 2015
...then the devil has won over you!
- Message No. 932 -

My child. My dear child. Please tell the children the following today: You must rise up and defend the word and teachings of My Son so that your earth does not become worse, people do not go astray, seeking and practicing satanic and pagan practices and morality is preserved, because, children, if you no longer have morality, people no longer respect each other, children do not honor their parents and everyone lives, decides, acts according to his own discretion and there is no more basis in faith, then, My beloved children, the devil has won over you, and your soul will waste away, suffer, sick and perish, because WITHOUT MY SON, YOUR JESUS, you have no chance of eternity, not in glory, not at the Lord's side, not at the Father's side, no joy, no fulfillment, but suffering, unspeakable suffering and agony and distress, WITHOUT LOOKING FOR IMPROVEMENT, WITHOUT HOPE, WITHOUT JOY and suffering for eternity in the hell fires of the devil, and that, My beloved children, is worse, more horrible and more cruel than all imaginable suffering of your earth, because in the here and now you have the chance to find to Jesus and TO BE REDEMPTED, BUT WITHOUT HIM THERE WILL BE NO REDEMPTION FOR YOU.
So stand up and defend your Jesus! Do not let HIM be "cast out", removed from your churches, your lives, your faith destroyed by lies and confusion!
Stand up and stand for Jesus! Then you will not be lost and your children will reap the New Kingdom.
Get ready, for soon My Son will stand before you, and blessed is he who has defended HIM, honors HIM and loves HIM. Amen.
I love you, your Mother in heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
"Soon it will be accomplished. Amen." Jesus and Our Lady.
(the angels are also there.)
Source: ➥