Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
Things are bad in your world!
- Message No. 1036 -

My child. There you are. Things are bad in your world. Sit down and write and hear how bad things are for you if you don't convert and find the way to God the Father through Jesus!
Children, be warned, for the earth(n era) as you know it is coming to an end.
You don't believe it, you don't see it, and certainly you don't want it to be true, but it is true, and God the Father has been sending you the signs of it for some time, but you ignore them, dismiss them, and don't listen to HIM who is Almighty, but your time here, beloved children, only for a short time and then, when the time comes, when Jesus comes and your earth time comes to an end, then you must be ready for your Savior, ready for your Redeemer, Jesus Christ, because through HIM the New Kingdom is given to you, but without HIM you are lost!
So turn back and free yourselves from the soap bubble of the devil, which is nothing but appearance and deception (deception(!))!
Come to Jesus, into His Holy Arms and LET YOURSELF BE SAVED! HE, who is the Son of the Almighty, TAKES WITH HIM EVERY CHILD WHO HAS GIVEN HIM HIS YES!
So shout it (your YES) to Heaven and cry out to HIM, your Savior! Open yourselves to HIM, to His love and pray and plead! You must repent of your sins, of your missteps that you have done, and you must repent!
Beg for mercy and forgiveness and get ready! One YES is enough to take the first step. A YES, My children, sincerely and honestly spoken (with the heart), in order not to be lost and to find entrance as worthy and blissful children in the New Kingdom.
Get ready, beloved children, and face the signs! Do not be afraid, for Jesus is there. HE is with you, for HE loves you, and Blessed is he who shares his life with HIM in the times of earth! Blessed is he who prays and repents! Blessed is he who prepares himself for his Savior and Lord, for his soul will be saved, and in the New Kingdom he will live.
So get ready and wait no longer! I, your Saint Bonaventure, ask you in the name of the Lord: prepare yourselves, beloved children, for only in this way will you become worthy. Amen.
I love you. My love for you is great, (yet) I know about the seductions of the devil of your world.
Listen to Our Word in these messages, for it is the Lord who speaks through Us all, it is the Father's mission to save His beloved children. Amen.
Your Bonaventure. Amen.
The world is heavy, but through love for the Lord everything becomes light and bearable. Amen. Tell the children of the world. Amen
Source: ➥