Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, August 24, 2015
It just doesn't fit into your picture!
- Message No. 1042 -

My child. My dear child. There you are. Please say the following to the children today: Wake up and rise up and escape from the daily grind of your so unreal world, for it is built up in nothing but aberrations and hardly leads you to the Kingdom of Heaven!
There is no place for Jesus in your oh so modern world, because it consists of ambition and performance, of unscrupulousness and ego thinking, is based on money, on power, on recognition, on self-promotion and arrogance.
There is no place for the virtues of the Lord in this world of today, which glitters, which shines and whitewashes everything that is "bad", and by "bad" here is meant the poverty, suffering, hardship and struggle for survival of so many of your fellow brothers and sisters. It simply does not fit into your image!
So wake up and become humble! Only humility will put you on the right path, not arrogance and self-promotion!
Give yourselves to Jesus and become worthy children of the Lord!
Find your purity again, for God, the Father, created each of His children pure, but the filth of the world, the sin you prefer to virtue, has made you lost and defiled children, and the devil rejoices, for you have blindly fallen into his traps!
Wash yourselves clean and remember your Lord! Only Jesus is the way to glory, without HIM you will suffer most bitterly.
Turn back, beloved children, it is not too late. Amen.
Your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Make yourselves ready, My children. Amen.
Source: ➥