Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Saturday, October 31, 2015
If only you would see world events in their entirety....
- Message No. 1093 -

My child. Write and listen, because it is important what I have to tell you: You live in the end times, yet you do not see it. If you would only be able to see the world events in their entirety, you would realize that not much time remains on your earth.
Skillfully the devil covers up his misdeeds and keeps away from you what really happens. He proportions small parts of his misdeeds to you as good(es), and you fall for him because you don't care about the big picture.
Children, wake up and see what is already happening! What you are being told are selected and censored reports in your media and newspapers. So don't fall for the lies any longer! Believe no longer the partial truths, because they distort your picture of the total event and do not let you recognize the truth! Contexts YOU DO NOT SEE, because THE DEVIL DOES NOT ALLOW IT!
So wake up, find My Son, your Jesus, and begin to see through the lie, lift the veils and face the truth! At the same time, prepare yourselves and your little ones, so that neither you nor they will be lost when the end rolls over you like a thunderclap and a drumbeat. The warning will precede, beloved children, THEN YOU MUST BE READY! Amen.
I love you. All the messages We give you are for your salvation.
Read them attentively and again and again, for in them you will find the guidance for you and your loved ones!
Use the prayers that We have given you and PRAY THEM!
Pray always in the intentions of My Holy Son and for peace in the hearts of all God's children of the world.
Ask the Father that HE may shorten the time, for what is yet to come is nothing compared to what has already been.
So pray and supplicate to the Father in heaven, for HE will hear your prayer(s), and no child who truly loves HIM will be lost. Amen.
Go now, My children, and prepare yourselves. In the early year you will recognize the signs. Be ready, My children, for the end is near. Amen.
"Stock up on provisions, My children. You will need them. Amen."
Your mother in heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation with Jesus. Amen.
Source: ➥