Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Thursday, December 17, 2015
Only Jesus can guide you now. Nothing earthly should distract you anymore!
- Message No. 1113 -

Child Jesus: come all to Me and into My arms, for My Kingdom I give you. Amen. Jesus on the Cross: I suffer so much for the sinners who revile Me, who spit on Me and bring suffering to My children. Turn back before it is too late, otherwise you will experience eternal suffering and My Kingdom and My Father's Kingdom of Heaven will be closed to you forever. Amen. --- Bonaventure: My child. The end is so near and no one sees it. You hope, but your faith is weak. You allow yourselves to be distracted and, believe Me, it only gets worse.
So, beloved children, strengthen yourselves in Jesus your Lord, so that you will not fall prey to the devil and will be able to come pure before Jesus your Lord.
Purify yourselves. Celebrate your feasts contemplatively and be completely with Jesus and united with HIM. Only Jesus can guide you now, for the end is very near.
So confess, atone, repent and atone. Attend your Masses and unite yourselves with Jesus. Nothing earthly should distract you anymore, the end is already so near.
Source: ➥