Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, December 21, 2015
You have no more time for earthly distractions and pleasures!
- Message No. 1115 -

My child. My dear child. There you are. Listen and write what I, your loving Mother in Heaven, have to say to the children of the world today: Arise and make ready, for the end is near, and Jesus, My Son, will come to redeem all those who are truly faithful and devoted to HIM.
Listen to Our call, for your preparation is important! Only those who are pure and prepared will experience the day of great joy as such, but those who continue to live as if the earthly were the way, be told: His soul will soon be lost, stolen by the one who gives him all the distraction and fleeting joy! He will experience suffering for eternity, and My Son will not be able to do anything for him.
All knowledge and repentance will be of no use to him then. He will fall into self-pity and be tormented for eternity.
His knowledge will come, and that already in the fall into hell, but it will not be of any use to him, but will "tear" his soul.
His suffering/s will be horrible, cruelest and no more changeable.
So choose well, beloved children, and choose Jesus now. You have no more time for earthly distractions and pleasures.
So prepare yourselves, for when the end comes, your time will be up, and the separation from the true children of God and those who spurn and/or push aside My Son because they find/have no place in their lives for HIM will be accomplished.
So prepare yourselves and be faithful to Jesus at all times. So you will be lifted up in the end, and no harm will come to your soul -you-.
Run to Jesus and prepare yourselves. Time is short, and nothing earthly should distract you any longer. Amen.
I love you, beloved multitude of children. Prepare yourselves.
Your Mother in Heaven, who loves you so much, with Jesus and the saints. Amen. Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
My child. Make this known. It is important. Amen.
Source: ➥