Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, February 1, 2016
The "calm before the storm!"
- Message No. 1122 -

My child. My dear child. Listen to what I want to say to you and yours as well as to the children of the world in which you live: Be warned, for My Son will come, and you do not know the time.
Do not rest, but pray and stay away from worldly things.
The "calm before the storm" serves to lead you, beloved children, away from the path to My Son even at the last second, to lead you to worldliness and ultimately to leave you unprepared for what is now coming, and that will be cruel if you do not remain faithful, for only the faithful servants of My Son - whether consecrated or lay - will enter the glorious Kingdom, but to the others be it said: Do not let the "calm before the storm" lead you astray, but pray! Ask for guidance from the Holy Spirit and for His clarity! When you see veiled, obscurity and unbelief spreading (in you and around you), do not stray from the path, but ask more than ever for Our help! Plead to Jesus and do not put yourselves on hold, for you must be ready, My children! Prepare peacefully, joyfully and in love for Jesus, because HE will come to lift you up, and the time that remains is short! Do not be distracted and do not just wait, because the one who does nothing will not be prepared, and the one who is not prepared runs the risk of being lost, and what this means for your soul -for you- you already know from these and other messages.
My children. Get ready, because heaven united is ready for the final battle. It will be cruel, but nothing bad will happen to the faithful children of My Son!
So prepare yourselves, for the (heavenly) hosts are ready. Under the leadership and guidance of Michael, this battle will be won, but it will be bloody and terrible, and those who have not confessed Jesus will perish (dragged into the abyss) screaming and groaning and suffering. This is most agonizing for the soul, but it will happen because man did not confess My Son Jesus during his lifetime.
So listen to My call and get ready! The Father already called in October for the preparation of your houses. Now see if they are prepared and do not hesitate to take the final steps.
My children. There is little time left for you. So do not distract yourselves with earthly things, but prepare yourselves, your loved ones and your houses for the announced time. Amen. So be it.
I love and I protect you, but you must always pray for My protection and My tangible love. Amen.
Your Mother in heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Make this known for the weekend. Amen. This message is important. There will not be many more. Only when it is really needed. Amen.
Source: ➥