Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
Only I can guide you through these times!
- Message No. 1245 -

My child. Please tell the children of the earth the following:
Take advantage of this time, beloved children that you are, and come closer and closer to Me, your Jesus. In prayer, beloved children, in penance, beloved children, in deep repentance and atonement. I love you very much. Use the time, beloved children, use this time. Amen.
I, your Jesus, love you very much. Give Me, your Jesus, your YES and surrender yourselves completely to Me, your Jesus. Only I can guide you through these times, beloved children that you are, so that you may not be lost, and may obtain life in eternity in the Kingdom of Heaven of My Father, who is also your Father. Amen.
So turn back, and surrender yourselves completely to Me, your Jesus, because I Am the way to the Father, and only through Me do you attain eternal life in the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen.
Your Jesus, who I Am and always will be.
Savior of you and Savior of the world.
My Mother, My Most Holy Mother in Heaven, who is also your Mother, is always at your side when you ask her. Amen. She is Coredemptrix, and through HER you reach Me when you ask her. Amen.
Bonaventure: Pray the Rosary, beloved children that you are, and ask the Mother for intervention. Amen.
Source: ➥