Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Thursday, April 1, 2021
By this you can recognize My adversary!
- Message No. 1284 -

Maundy Thursday
My child. I know how difficult this time is, and I am merciful to all My sinful children who come to Me asking for forgiveness.
Tell the children that their repentance is urgent, and tell them to prepare themselves. The road to Golgotha will soon be completed, but much suffering, abomination and terror will still come your way. All those who are faithful to Me have nothing to fear, but those who are only half-heartedly with Me, and those who are not with Me, these children will experience bad times under the rule of the Antichrist, My adversary, which will now soon, very soon become visible.
The worst thing for you, My beloved children, will be that you will not know how to distinguish. So I tell you again today: listen to Our Word in these messages, for it is written that I, your Jesus, will not dwell among you a second time, and by this you can recognize My adversary.
So be ready for Me, for your Jesus, because when I come and stand before you, you must be ready for Me.
Keep to what has been said in these messagesby Me, My Most Holy Mother, your Mother in Heaven, My Saints and Holy Angels, and God the Father, your Creator, for the time of the end is near, and those who are not prepared will truly have a hard time. Amen.
I love you very much.
Yours and your Jesus, who I Am. Amen.
Source: ➥