Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Saturday, May 22, 2021
You seal your doom!
- Message No. 1305 -

My child. My beloved daughter. I, your Antoni, sadly watch your world events. But I also see how sad Jesus, Our Lord, is. So many children are apostate to HIM, yet HE has already bought your eternity with His blood, that is: All children who follow HIM, no matter how heavy the sinful life clung to them, are allowed -after worthy confession, repentance and contrition- to be lifted up with and through Jesus, provided they live with HIM, therefore, beloved children that you are, convert yourselves and find to HIM, to Jesus, your Redeemer, so that you do not get lost, and may experience the great joy, whose day will soon dawn, as a day of joy!
It does you no good to remain entangled in sinfulness. It does you no good to follow men. It does you no good to seek your happiness in the outside, and all the worldly things do you no good either, because they are transient, and only Jesus is the hope, the joy and the love, pure mercy and your ticket to eternity in glory, which only the true, faithful, obedient children devoted to Him attain.
You do not know or understand the Father's book! You do not believe in HIM, because if you would, sincerely and wholeheartedly, then you would, no(!) MUST you respect and live His commandments! You have forgotten Jesus or do not understand His act of love, of sacrifice for you! You do not listen to the messages! You do not listen to what your saints left during their lifetime! You are so far away from the Kingdom of Heaven that it is only because of this that the devil and his henchmen could gain so much power over you and your earth. It is you yourselves who have given them this power. Knowingly or unknowingly, YOU have let it come so far and are giving more and more power and control to the evil one, because you are not with Jesus, you trample the commandments of the Lord, you do not attend Holy Masses, nor do you have time for HIM, for your Savior, and (you) actually believe that everything will be alright again ?!.
Children, be warned. Your end is coming, and whoever has not turned to Jesus in time seals his doom! You seal it. Not the father, not the adversary. This (adversary) only helps you. But Jesus leads you to the kingdom of heaven, but you are too comfortable to follow HIM. Shame, dear children, shame! You must convert and We, the saints and holy angels, pray for you.
Listen to these messages, because the word written in them is for your salvation and this mission, brought into being by the Blessed Virgin Mary, with Jesus and the consent of God the Father. Amen.
Turn back, for the time is pressing. Amen.
Your Antoni Maria Claret. Amen.
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