Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, September 15, 2021
This so great act of love of the Lord!
- Message No. 1318 -

My child. There is not much time left. Write and listen to what I, your loving Mother in Heaven, have to say today to the children of the earth:
My children. My children so loved by Me. Hurry, for only a short time remains for you. The warning is near, and you must prepare yourselves. It will be so hard for all of you who have not prepared, and so many of you will suffer instead of experiencing this act of mercy in the greatest love.
My children. Only a soul that is completely with Jesus will experience this event for what it is: such a loving moment in intimacy with Jesus. Only you who are truly devoted to My Son will not suffer pain. Your joy will be great, your soul will rejoice, recognizing this so great act of love of the Lord.
But those who have not confessed Jesus, let it be said to you:
The warning is your last chance to convert and find your way completely to the Lord, Jesus Christ. You will realize what you did wrong, because your sins will be shown to you. You will have greatest anguish of soul, but this is the moment to give your YES to Jesus. You will go through every single sin you have committed, i.e. your soul will experience great suffering, but plead to the Lord, to Jesus, for forgiveness, may HE forgive you, and confess to HIM. You will also realize what has resulted from your sin, and you will be sad and horrified and cry, that is the moment to show your repentance and beg the Lord to forgive you. You will experience the absence of God, and this will be the worst of all moments, but you have not willed it otherwise by your unwillingness, your not wanting to repent, your not wanting to listen and your disrespect towards the Lord, now plead to the Father, fall on your knees and beg for mercy and confess, My children, confess to HIM, to your Creator, be repentant and beg for forgiveness.
The Lord is a merciful God, and this act of mercy will open the way to glory for so many of you, but you must confess and plead penitently on your knees, because you have trampled the Lord underfoot, preferred the earthly, worldly, transient things to the Lord, and now, in spite of all you have done and/or omitted, you have been given this last chance to repent by your Father who loves you so much.
Use this chance, because if you don't, there will be no more, and your eternity will be sealed in the kingdom of darkness of the evil one, who is only waiting to torment your soul (you!) for eternity.
You have the choice, beloved children, you alone!
I, your Mother in Heaven, ask you from the bottom of my heart:
Prepare your heart, your soul, you for eternity. When you are ready to come before the Lord, you will be ready for the warning. And you will experience it as an incomprehensibly beautiful event, for a prepared soul will recognize the love of the Lord, and it will exult and rejoice and give thanks and praise that the Lord is giving it this event for perfect purification and surrender, for each one will recognize its faults, but a repentant and prepared soul will rejoice that from now on it can only give joy to the Lord.
This is the difference, My beloved children:.
A prepared soul rejoices even more to come to Jesus, to love HIM more intimately, to give HIM more and more joy, to be very close to HIM, to live for HIM!
An unprepared soul will have it all the more difficult, because it has not learned what joy it is for it to serve the Lord in joy.
My children. Get ready! Be ready! Stay ready!
I remain in the greatest love for you,
Your Mother in Heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of Redemption. Amen.
Get ready! The warning is near!
Source: ➥