Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Friday, October 29, 2021
This is true love!
- Message No. 1325 -

My child. My dear child. I, your Jesus of the Cross, suffer greatly. Every sin you commit, My children, pierces My Sacred Heart anew, and every blasphemy, My daughter, wounds Me and the Father unspeakably deeply.
My child. My children. If you do not begin to repent, the suffering that will come upon you will be boundlessly terrible, for whoever does not convert, whoever simply continues to sin, whoever 'exposes' Me, his Jesus, be told:
Your awakening will be too late if you do not change now and just keep on living as if nothing would happen. 'Your' (The) help that We assure you will not be given to you if you do not repent and pray!
The mitigation will not be visible to you, not 'tangible', because you have not known Me, your Jesus, and therefore the Father and My Holy Spirit, because you have not converted.
My children. My children so loved by Me. Whoever does not now repent and convert to Me, to HIS Redeemer, for him I will be able to do nothing. The coming events will overpower him, and he will run into the trap of the devil, BECAUSE HE DID NOT WANT TO CHANGE!
Why do you not listen to Me, beloved children that you are? Why do you not listen to Me?
I, who died for you on the cross, suffer greatly. You pierce My heart with every wrong deed, with every wrong word, with unbridled thoughts and taunts and so much more.
Your lukewarmness, My children, pains Me the most, because you are addicted to prosperity -whether you have it or only strive for it (!)- and yet your only goal should be Me, your Jesus.
Have you not understood anything, beloved children that you are? He who has found Me, who truly lives with Me, has no more worries, because I live through him, and I live in him, and I live with him, and I give Myself entirely to him! This is true love, My children, and this few of you know.
So awake, beloved children that you are, because time is running away from you.
Those who remain comfortable will soon be very uncomfortable. He who runs after money will soon have lost it, like the prosperity and all the comforts for which he has given and continues to give his life!
Children (!), awake, because everything is ready. My adversary will come to lull and deceive you, and well to him who knows how to discern, well to him who has truly and really found to Me, to his Jesus.
Times are getting hard, beloved children that you are, and if you think you have to rush after the worldly light deception, you will soon have a rude awakening, but then, beloved children that you are, it will be too late, and I, your Jesus, can do nothing for you then.
So accept the warning as an act of My so boundless mercy. Whoever does not take advantage of this act of My ineffable mercy will be lost.
I love you very much. Listen to the word of My Mother, your Most Holy Mother in Heaven, for she has brought this mission into being for the salvation of ALL God's children so that not one soul will be lost. But only those who have truly found Me will be spared the lake of fire and masses of fire. When the earth opens up, those of you who have not converted will perish in it, and your torment will be great. All this We have already told you, BUT YOU DO NOT HEAR. Be warned, then, for he who does not convert will be at the mercy of the devil.
I love you very much, My children, I love you so much. For you I was nailed to the cross, and for you I died the death of the cross. Convert so that you may be resurrected. Amen.
Your Jesus of the Cross, who I suffer, My children, greatly. Amen.
Source: ➥