Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Sunday, January 2, 2022
Priests, teachers, parents, doctors, paramedics and politicians!
- Message No. 1335 -

My child. It is important that My children of the remnant army remain ready.
You must always be vigilant, because the elite is up to evil. If you think when you see that everything is getting 'easier', know that it is not so. It is a great farce to bring you to your knees more easily, i.e.. beloved children that you are, it will only be able to happen IF YOU DON'T REMAIN WATCHFUL AND READY!
Look behind the scenes and put 1 and 1 together: The devil has taken hold of your world, but he can only do as much evil as you are willing to accept!
Through your prayer you stand against the evil plans of the elite!
By your no (!) it is enough, you stand against these evil machinations!
By all of you standing up in peacefulness and prayer, the devil can NOT realize his evil aims!
So pray and be ready for Me, for your Savior, who I will come again to redeem all those who are truly, honestly and sincerely faithful, devoted and surrendered to Me.
And you, My beloved priests, what do you allow yourselves?!
Do you not see how you falsify My Word! Do you not see how the devil has crept into My Holy Church? Do you not see that the elite has been ruling over you for a long time, if and because you accept the evil word? Children, be warned, for it is you who will suffer the most IF YOU MISS ME! Recognize the evil and false game of him who sits on the throne, and do not follow his ungodly and blasphemous word! You are consecrated servants of Mine, yet so many of you have turned away from Me. Your punishment will be great, in the day of great joy, because for you it will be neither joyful nor fulfilling! You will not be redeemed by Me unless you awaken NOW and put an end to this evil game!
Everyone, who puts himself above others and brings them by words, by deeds to something, which is NOT right, will have to answer before Me and My Father. Everyone!
So be warned you priests who oppose Me, you teachers who expose your students to the compulsions of evil, you doctors, paramedics, you politicians who harm people instead of caring for them! You parents and grandparents, who give poison (!) to your children, ALL of you will have to answer!
Still you have the chance to make up for your damage, ie: You must repent and do penance! You must pray and atone, for what you have already done to your fellow man will weigh heavily on your soul if you do not convert and make amends for your (the) harm you have done to others!
Whoever does not accept this chance, whoever squanders it and lets it expire, be told: On the Day of Justice I will stand before you as a righteous judge. You will not be taken into My New Kingdom, nor will you attain the Kingdom of Heaven if you remain hard-hearted and stubborn! Whoever does not turn back, whoever does not repent and atone and make satisfaction for all his shameful deeds -consciously or unconsciously- and pleads to Me and to the Father for forgiveness, will go the way to damnation. You are already on it, but you do not know the end. If you knew it, you would have already turned back!
My love is great, and it is infinite. I forgive every sin that you bring before Me with a sincere and contrite heart, but not much time remains for you, beloved children that you are.
Priests, teachers, parents: Lead 'your' children to Me, to your and their Jesus, for only I Am the Way!
Doctors, paramedics and politicians: Wake up if you really think you are doing good and turn back, because you are driving people to death!
Those who have devoted themselves to the devil, let it be said to you: All your money, your earthly wealth, your luxuries, etc. will be taken away from you, and you will recognize the deception and pretense for which you have wasted yourselves and your lives. You believe to be the greatest, but your punishment will be great and merciless! There will be no escape for you, and all the promises you have will be taken away from you. The devil never keeps his word, it is all deception and pretense and lies. But you have sold yourselves to him and do not want to recognize the truth. You will recognize it, but then it will be too late.
So I call you, all the children of the earth: turn back and find the way to Me, to your Jesus, because only through Me you will reach Eternal Life in Glory, only through Me, beloved children that you are. So turn back now, before it is too late for you. I love you very much.
Your Jesus. Amen.
Source: ➥