Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Wednesday, March 2, 2022
It is high time!
- Message No. 1343 -

Oh My child, I am suffering so much. If only you could realize where you are, you would pray, pray and sacrifice unceasingly, for time is short, and good to the one who uses it for prayer and sacrifice, good to the one who uses it for the salvation of himself and others, good to the one who realizes that the only way to the Kingdom of Heaven is I, his Jesus, and good to the one who loves Me sincerely, remains faithful and devoted to Me, his Jesus, at all times.
Children, things are bad in your world, and you must realize!
Whoever continues to be blind to the truth will soon fall into hopelessness. He will experience desolation and hopelessness, and this will be the cause of absolute despondency for many.
He who is despondent, in sadness and without hope, will not see heaven, for he does not see the light at the end of the road. He is lost, for he has not made himself ready. He does not know where he is going, because he did not want to see, did not want to hear, and continued to live comfortably and conveniently.
Children awake, for your comfort will bring you down, your comfort will soon be taken from you, and good to the one whom it meets prepared, good to the one who trusts in Me, in his Jesus, prays to Me and is ready, good to the one whom it does not meet unprepared.
The end approaches with every passing day. It is fast approaching, and it has been announcing itself for a long time, but you do not see it because you are caught up in your material world.
It will catch you off guard if you don't awaken, and your awakening will be unpleasant. You are in a time when you are talking everything up: 'Nothing will happen', 'Everything will go back to normal', 'The war will stay where it is'.
Children, wake up! Haven't you learned anything? Have you not listened? Or do you only listen to your media, politicians and other liars and euphemists? The war is there. It was announced to you and you did nothing against it!
My Most Holy Mother Mary, your Heavenly Mother, has warned you in so many messages and apparitions, but you have not wanted to believe Her and have not implemented Her requests. You are responsible for your own inaction, YOUR NOT PRAYING and your comfort, but be warned, beloved children who you are, this comfort will soon be over!
Listen to My word! Listen to the word of My Most Holy Mother Mary! We have given you so many warnings and guidance through the decades, but you have not wanted to hear them and have not wanted to accept them and have not wanted to implement them.
It is high time to repent and pray! Whoever does not convert now will be lost, and I, his Jesus, will then be able to do nothing for him.
So listen to My word and pray the Holy Rosary of My Mother, because it will save you from the worst abominations and spare you much suffering!
Pray it daily, beloved children who you are, and pray always also in all Our intentions.
Keep up the prayer, and do not let it be broken off!
Your guardian angel prays with you when you ask him, and he keeps up your prayers, when you cannot, are distracted or prevented by work or other!
Use all free time for prayer!
It is high time, beloved children that you are!
Pray for yourselves, your salvation, and that of others.
I love you very much.
Your Jesus of the Holy Cross with Mary, the saints and angelic hosts gathered here. Amen.
Source: ➥