Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Thursday, May 12, 2022
You must never lose sight of the Light, That I Am!
- Message No. 1357 -

My child. Thank you for coming today. My Mother, your Mother Mary, My Father, your Father in Heaven, and I, your and your Jesus, wish to say the following to you and to you today:
Hold on, beloved children, hold on.
The end is very near, and everything will come as it was (fore)told by Me, by your Jesus who loves you so much, by My Mother who is also your Mother, and by the Father in Heaven, your Father and Creator who loves you so much.
The saints spoke and speak the true word. It is time, My children, it is time. The end has begun and you will soon see change. (Never) doubt, don't waver. It is and will be as I, yours and your Jesus, and We, all your saints and angels, My Most Holy Mother and God the Father have said.
A very dark time is coming, but know that it too will pass. My kingdom stands ready. Stay completely with Me and hidden in Me. Persevere through this dark time! It is as We said, and so all things come to pass. Stay ready, because the time and reign of the evil one(Antichrist) will NOT be of long duration. The more you pray, THE SHORTER IT WILL BE!
So pray, believe and carry hope in your heart: the time is already shortened, but a very dark (and unjust) time is coming. Then I will come. Your redemption is near. Also earthly, but you must go through this darkness and never lose sight of the Light, That I Am.
I love you very much. I Am with you at all times. Tell the children of the world too. Stay strong and persevere, for confusion increases, My mercy abused and twisted, and he who is strong and true in faith will endure this time.
With deep love,
Your Jesus.
I will come to redeem you, but you must now be very strong.
My Holy Spirit is with you. Ask Him daily for clarity!
Pray, pray, pray. Those who are spiritually confused will have a hard time, so your prayer to the Holy Spirit is indispensable. Amen.
Source: ➥