Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Thursday, February 29, 2024
Part 3, Message from John, on February 22, 2024 at Holy Place
- Message No. 1400-45 -

On February 22 February 2024 at Holy Place
My child. I, your John, am here, with you, to say the following to you and the children of the earth today:
Though the times be hard, My children, never despair.
At the end of time, beloved children that you are, the trials of FAITHFULNESS will be hard and burdensome and your endurance will be severely tested.
I saw, beloved children that you are, this time ahead. I saw how in the great end time darkness the children of the Lord were to suffer. Distress came upon the earth and spread throughout the land.
It was a terrible time. Much was in ruins, destroyed.
I saw many, many things in flames, burnt, destroyed, bombed.
I saw tanks, I saw warriors (soldiers), I saw many of them sad, with faces filled with suffering and pity...
I saw how these soldiers were horrified and shocked at their acts of attack, assault and destruction, ordered and commanded from tables of politicians, far away from the action.
I saw that there were only a few survivors, but many were transported to military hospitals for treatment of their wounds.
To be honest, I have to say that it looked like the Third World War, but it was also the images of the Second World War.
I saw large offensive and destructive missiles being rotated on a small peninsula and aimed at a major power. This country was so small that nobody expected it.
I saw how missiles of this kind, especially in the Asian region, were aimed partly at each other, partly at Europe, partly at America.
I saw how the peoples - by their leaders, NOT by themselves - became involved in wars, and I saw that most of the inhabitants - neither of the countries attacked nor of the attacked countries - expected it.
I saw, especially in Europe, how the inhabitants went about their daily lives without any idea of what was to come, and I saw how the Father and the Son and the Mother and the saints and angels gave warnings from heaven and so many would not hear them.
I saw how they fell on dry, barren ground, these wonderful and protective instructions and warnings, and I also saw that it was the 'little ones' that the Father used who accepted these messages from heaven, like these that I, your John, am giving you today, and they fell on fertile hearts.
I saw the Word of the Lord being passed through the 'little ones', humble 'hearts' like a network, and I saw more and more prayer groups forming and connecting worldwide.
I saw that the Word of the Father was kindled in them and made them great before the Lord and Father. And I saw that the Father and the Son, with the Most Holy Mother Mary, spoke to these children, and all their hopes and joy were in and on these children.
I saw how these children were protected, despite all the suffering that the earth was experiencing, and I saw that these children were uplifted, although still living on earth.
I saw all this and I wrote it down at the behest of the angel. But then He commanded Me to eat it and swallow it, and I did so that I may reveal it to you, who are the Lord's true people, as soon as that time has come.
My children. I, your John, bring you this message today, for the time is now. You will be involved in many wars and they will lead to World War III.
I wish I could say more beautiful things to you, but you - humanity - have brought this time upon yourselves through your great apostasy.
You have elected politicians to power who have sold you out and you have given power to those who have joined forces with the devil.
You must pray, because if you do not pray, the times will be cruel!
Use the power of prayer, beloved children.
I, your John, saw the Antichrist. Soon, very soon, you too will see him, and blessed is he who took all the warnings from Heaven seriously and accepted and implemented the Heavenly Word, which comes from the Father alone - through Him, through Jesus, through the Most Holy Mother Mary and through Us, His 'helpers' (saints and holy angels)!
Dear children. I, your John, will come again.
Whoever is not ready will perish like the vermin I saw.
So turn back, and be ready, and pray, and beg for shortening and mitigation, My children, otherwise you will not know how to endure the end. Amen.
I, your John, bring you this message today so that you may know what is coming to you. Amen.
Yours and your John. Apostle and 'favorite' of Jesus. Amen.
My child. The time is restless. Listen and put into practice what is written.
Yours and your, Antoni Maria Claret. Amen.
The warning is near, My child, be ready.
Yours and your Jesus. Amen.
My Holy Sword will protect those who ask Me.
Yours and your Michael. At the service of the Father. Amen.
While John was speaking, he showed me parts of what he saw. After receiving the message, he and the Father gave me further explanations.
He showed me a map of the world with a focus on Asia:
The peninsula was like divided in two (Korea), and both sides had missiles. One of them was unexpectedly aimed at North America (USA).
I saw 2 great powers (Russia and China) and the alignment of their missiles, which changed: first a togetherness (alignment towards Europe), then an opposition, as well as the alignment towards the USA from China.
In between was another country (Mongolia), which was very afraid of being a target and aligned its missiles for defense if necessary.
The names Japan and Taiwan were also mentioned to me.
I saw many other countries ramping up and deploying their missiles.
I saw more and more countries falling into war.
The vast majority of warriors (soldiers), as well as the normal people, did not want war. There was so much destruction, death, suffering and grief. It all started from the political leaders.
It was really frightening for me to see how safe the Europeans and Americans felt... and didn't seem to see this war coming...
This war was shown to me through different pictures. War was waged in different ways: Like back in WW2 with tanks and at the front, with long-range missiles and the latest technology controlled at the touch of a button and far away from the action; a mixture of old and new.
The suffering of the soldiers, written in their faces, was caused by many factors: on the one hand, the 'normal' people do not want war, nor do they (the soldiers), many of them, on the other hand, due to the great mixing of peoples and emigration and globalization, there are many of their own countrymen in the countries to be attacked, as well as family members and friends. The horror of their actions - ordered by the warmongers - of the misery, death and suffering they inflicted on the people living there, some of them family, some of them friends, was shocking and terrible.
Many people died. There was a terrible silence....
It is important that we pray. Much and fervently and plead to the Father for mitigation and shortening of time.
Let us pray together for the conversion of humanity, and let us address the 7 Hail Marys (BS 1393) to the Father every day, so that we may be protected from the worst.
Let us pray for our loved ones the additional 3 Hail Marys (BS 1394), and let us ask for conversion and protection for them.
The 'end' will be cruelest if we fail to pray.
Let us always be aware of the power of prayer. The Father does not leave us, His faithful and devoted children, alone.
Whatever happens, we have His promise, but hard trials await us all.
The guidance to 'get through', withstand and persevere through this time has been and will be given to us in these messages of preparation.
So let us remain vigilant, in prayer and keep to the instructions of heaven.
Mary to the Divine Preparation of Hearts, with John and God the Father. Amen.
My children. This is a short act of atonement, powerful and with great effect, if you commit it with a pure and from a deep heart. Amen.
Dear Children. 7 Hail Marys for the conversion of sinful humanity. Accept this prayer and commit this act of reparation with a loving, intimate and supplicating heart. The more children convert, the milder the end times will be.
So make atonement, beloved children that you are. The Father is most pleased with those who make this atonement in love. You can repeat it daily. The more you atone, the more atonement you offer to Jesus and the Father, the greater the effect. Amen.
Carry your loved ones in your heart, My children. It is important to carry them in love in your heart as you make your prayer of atonement for them. You can do this for all your family members and reinforce it by calling Me their names or giving Me a mental image of them. Amen.
Source: ➥