Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Saturday, August 31, 2024
Don’t Wait Until It’s Revealed!
- Message No. 1448 -

Message of August 22, 2024
God the Father: My child. Our word must go around the world, and the children MUST convert, because:
My beloved children. My beloved flock of children. I, your Father in Heaven, have come, with Jesus, to My chosen soul, Mary for the Divine Preparation of Hearts, to tell you today the following:
The heavens will darken, the earth will shake, the waters will rise and the fires will destroy everything in their path.
Jesus: So be ready for these days, for they are drawing nearer and nearer, and so many of Our children have not converted, have not listened to Our Word, which is HOLY, continue to indulge in pleasures and luxuries as if nothing were happening and have turned away from Me instead of listening to Our Word, preparing themselves and PRAYING!
God the Father: Beloved children that you are. I, your Father in heaven, speak to you and call you:
You have only this one chance not to be lost to the devil, and that is your conversion to Jesus Christ, My Son made flesh for you, who took upon Himself the death of the cross for ALL of YOU to set you free and redeem you, so that you may attain Eternal Life in the Kingdom of Heaven in glory and not suffer the Eternal Pain and Agony and Distress and the unspeakable pain of being lost, of realizing that it is now too late, of being deceived in the Devil's Kingdom forever, for:
Everything, and I, your Father in Heaven, repeat, everything that you have omitted, everything that you have not understood and everything where you have not listened to Me, to Jesus and to Our Word, WILL BE FORFEITED TO YOU AS SOON AS YOU BEGIN TO STUMBLE, but then My Son can do nothing more for you because you have turned away and not turned to Him and now there will be no hope for you.
Jesus: Beloved children that you are. I, your Jesus, implore you, with My Most Holy Mother Mary, your Mother and Queen of Heaven:
Find Me!
Repent of your sins!
Prepare yourselves!
John: The end is near, beloved children, and I, your John, warn you:
Part 3 of My book, the book I ate, at the behest of the angel, reveals what happens at the end of time. Do not wait until it is revealed, for it will then be too late for you!
The angel of the Lord, who 'dictated' the book to Me, let Me see what will happen and told Me to write it down, said to Me:
John, My son, a terrible time is coming upon the earth and the children do not know what to do. It is so easy to save themselves from all this, but they do not listen to the Word of the Lord.
If only they would find the Lord, Jesus Christ, they would be healed of their susceptibilities to the devil and his demons. They would recognize, and the 'fate of the world' would change.
But they continue to fall away. The apostasy will be immense. When this happens, a time of hatred, of suffering, of great distress will overtake the earth and all the children who dwell on it!
There will be no one who can hide, for only through repentance will they experience recognition and mercy.
The Father loves His children so much, but blasphemy will be great in the world.
The children are corrupting, and this corruption will be eradicated.
The earth will experience an unprecedented cleansing, and only the children who are with Jesus Christ will survive this time and be raised into His New Kingdom.
This cleansing will bring much suffering and hardship to the earth. The Christians will be persecuted, and the Jews.
There will be a wave of hatred on the earth, and many innocent people will fall through the devil and his henchmen. They will be persecuted, plunged into poverty, they will lose their livelihood and their living space, they will be marginalized, and all this will happen when the apostasy becomes greater and greater.
People become selfish and self-centered beings. This will put an end to the God-given and God-ordained togetherness and support for one another. Man will think of himself, of HIS realization, and will give free rein to his impulses.
It is inconceivable at this time how man will mutate into a being driven by lust and greed!
John, My son, at the end of time you must warn the children. You will reveal these lines to a chosen soul, destined by the Father and chosen by Our Lady. I will guide you, My beloved son, because the Father wants to save His children.
There will be so much turmoil and upheaval, but tell the children that they must remain strong and that the only way to persevere and not be lost is Jesus Christ.
The children will hardly pray anymore.
What Jesus left behind will be destroyed. From the inside out, My beloved John, from the inside out.
No one can be trusted in this time. You are already aware of this. But even among themselves, as was once the case with you, My dear son, the children will betray each other and hand themselves over to the authorities - to the devil.
The world will be controlled. More and more!
There will be hardly any freedoms left, and the statesmen, led by the devil and his henchmen, who seductively hold them ALL in their hands, will issue many decrees that the 'luxury children', those of the Western and Western-oriented world, cannot imagine.
Everything will be decided over their heads and a great famine will come upon the whole earth.
The kingdoms, however, who have joined with the devil for eternity, will ALWAYS have enough, provided they still (perform) his services, but even there he, the prince of darkness, the serpent, the evil one, will rage and have their heads cut off (rolled) as soon as one of them does not parry!
John, My beloved son, tell this chosen soul what I am telling you today. The time will be made known to you. She is a child of God and will endure to the end.
You, My son, will be close to her side.
So keep these words always in your heart, for in due time you will pass them on. Amen.
Thine and your angel of the Lord, I have chosen you, John, through Jesus and the Father for this task. Amen.
John: My child. The time has come to warn the children. Please tell them all this from Me, for the angel told Me long, long ago.
You, My child, are chosen for this task and together we will fulfill the Father's mission. I love you very much. Make all this known. It is very important because you are at the end of time. Amen.
Thine and your John,
Apostle and favorite of Jesus. Amen. Now go.
Source: ➥