Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Thursday, November 14, 2024
You Will Lose Everything...!
- Message No. 1458 -

Message of November 1, 2024 - San Sebastián de Garabandal, Cantabria
My child. The time is very advanced.
Tell the children that only My Son is the Way to Eternity, and that only through prayer do they remain united to Him and to Us.
Whoever says, 'I believe, but does nothing for the faith, does not believe!
Whoever says, 'I love Jesus, but seeks Him neither in prayer nor in His Holy Church, does not love My Son, Jesus!
Whoever says, 'I am a Christian, but surrenders to the world, is no Christian!
Whoever says he knows the Father, and puts all religions on the same level, is lying!
Children, children, you have learned nothing!
How can you say that you love My Son, if you do not know Him?
How can you say that you believe in God when you neither know Him nor know who He is?
Children, children, be on your guard, because what is preached to you today by so many is the wrong and pernicious word!
You will only get to know God the Father if you find Jesus, because He is the ONLY way to the Father, there is no other!
You will only find Jesus if you renounce the world and focus entirely on Him and a life with Him!
Children, children, you live in complete error , make statements that only those of weak faith or non-believers or those of different faiths make!
Children, children, you have learned nothing!
If you do not prepare yourselves, the end will come upon you like a thief in the night, and you will be unprepared and lost!
You believe those who spread lies!
You hold on to the earthly and put it above eternal life.
Children, children, you will lose everything, the earthly as well as the eternal, because you do nothing for your eternity.
Children, children, let it be said to you that the time has not only advanced, but is ripe!
Those who do not turn to Jesus will be lost, and will spend their eternal life in the abyss of hell, suffering and in torment, most agonizingly, because they have not confessed Jesus , his only Savior, has turned away from Him who loves him so much, and has remained lukewarm, of another faith or unbelieving, and that will cost him eternity in glory.
So start praying!
Prepare yourselves!
It is high time!
I, your Heavenly Mother, am very concerned about you. The Holy Angels are all ready. So pray to them to defend you.
St. Michael the Archangel is at the service of the Father and will fight for all those who have sincerely and honestly confessed Jesus.
So pray and find My Son. You have no other way. Amen.
In deep love,
Your Mother always Heaven, Mother of Garabandal and Mother of all God's children, with Michael, Holy Archangel and leader of the Heavenly Hosts. Amen.
Source: ➥