Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Tuesday, November 26, 2024
You Do Not Know What Danger You Live In!
- Message No. 1460 -

Message of November 7, 2024
Jesus in agony weeps rivers of tears over us: My child. If you only knew how sad and weighed down I am, you would pray, pray and pray.
My child. The time is short, and the children are not converted. Let go of sin, blasphemy and earthly pleasures! Do you not see the danger?
I am grieved, My daughter, so grieved, and I weep tears in torrents over you, your behavior and implore the Father that HE may do justice but be merciful, for I see My children straying, and as once I say today, at the end of your days, as you know them: 'They know not what they do'. Amen.
Our Lady full of pain: Children, children, you do not know in what danger you live! Your soul will be lost if you do not find the way to My Son.
All, and I repeat: All who do not convert will experience the most difficult times, for the evil one will not keep his lies, lies that were once promises!
John: You have built your hopes on sand and now see what happens!
You have not listened to Our word, and the harvest you will reap is spoiled and useless!
You will rot and perish, for Jesus warned you, but you would not listen! Book Part 3 is about to be revealed, and you had better get ready for Jesus now!
I, your John, have come to tell you that the world is coming to an end!
You know it, for it has been revealed to you! But you live as if nothing will happen and go on forever: Wrong!
Mary Magdalene: Your Savior will soon stand before you, and what will you have to say to Him!
What do you have to offer in terms of good deeds and faithfulness and honesty?
John: Do not forfeit your way into the Lord's eternity and do not wait until judgment overtakes you!
What will you say?
How will you defend yourselves?
There will be NO defense for you, because you have not followed Jesus!
You have preferred earthly things to eternal things and are stuck in the mire of misery!
Do not hope for help in these days, do not hope for defense!
You have sealed your eternity yourselves, and now there is no turning back!
The gates of the New Kingdom remain closed to you, and so does the door to the Kingdom of Heaven!
You have been unfaithful, lukewarm, self-centered and have gambled away your eternity in glory!
You live with the devil in this world, so you will enter his kingdom. But you already know what awaits you, so it is not to be believed how you have not been able to repent!
I, your John, do not understand you, but you yourselves are the forgers of your own destiny!
If you continue to believe those who come along, it will be as I, your John,tell you, but if you turn back, your soul will be saved, and Jesus will show you the way to the glory of the Father!
Decide what you want, beloved children, but decide wisely: Whoever remains caught up in the here and now is lost!
Glorious days await those who walk the path to Jesus, who live with Him and in Him!
I love you very much, that is why I am coming to you now: Take these words to heart, for the Holy Angel gave them to Me so that you will be prepared at the end and survive this time unscathed.
Come to Jesus, your Savior, HE is the ONLY WAY and your ONLY CHANCE! Amen.
Mary Magdalene: Do not wait, beloved children, for the warning is near, and your sins will choke your throat and eat away at your heart if you do not repent!
Change and find Jesus, for your salvation!
Do not remain stubborn, do not remain lukewarm, because that is what the devil is whispering to you!
Go to Jesus! Pray and seek out your Holy Masses!
I, your Mary Magdalene, have come because I am concerned for your welfare.
The only truth is Jesus. So run to Him.
In silence, adoration and Holy Mass you will find Him, but you must PRAY, beloved children, come to rest and turn your backs on the world.
Only Jesus will free you from the clutches of evil! Only HE, who is the Son of God. Amen.
Go now and make this known.
In deep love and sorrow,
Thine and your John with Mary Magdalene, the Mother in heaven and Jesus in agony, who weeps bitter tears for and over you. Amen.
Source: ➥