Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Thursday, December 5, 2024
Do Not Believe That Ignorance Will Help You!
- Message No. 1462 -

Message from November 22, 2024
Jesus in agony: Tell the children that I love them. Very much. Tell them from Me, from their Jesus in agony. Amen.
Our Lady: My child. I, your Mother in Heaven, love you very much. Tell the children of the earth that only by converting to Jesus Christ will their souls not be lost.
If they do not repent now, they will experience the greatest suffering and sorrow, and will never know the glory and goodness of the Father and the Son.
The clarity and wisdom of the Holy Spirit will be closed to themand their souls, and life will be difficult and unbearable.
For so many it already is, but, beloved children that you are, it will get worse and worse.
My Son, your Jesus, stands ready for each one of you, but you must address Him, i.e.: Pray to HIM! Ask HIM! Plead with HIM! And love HIM!
No one, I repeat, no one will HE leave alone who sincerely seeks HIM, honestly loves HIM and is devotedly faithful to HIM!
God the Father: So find My Son, for He is the way to Me!
Our Lady: My children. The days you have left are short. So prepare your hearts for My Son.
HE will come to redeem all those who are truly devoted and faithful to HIM.
Your sincere love for HIM will now be tested, and blessed is he who stands firm and gives his love to Jesus! Whoever does not do so will be lost, for the days will grow dark and evil will prevail!
You do not believe it, but it is as I, your Mother in heaven, tell you:
The Antichrist* has so far completed his preparations, and it is being put into action and enacted what evil he has 'worked out'. He does this on behalf of his father, who is the devil, and well be it to him who has NOT entered into a covenant with him, for he is false, he is cunning and deceitful and knows no mercy! Once in his hand, he does not let go of the one who has entered into the covenant with him, whether consciously or unconsciously. Children, children, you have no idea what consequences await you!
You have only one chance not to lose your salvation and that is repentance, YOUR repentance to My Son, Jesus Christ, so as not to cause more suffering and torment in this world - actively or passively - and so as not to get lost and spend eternity in the realm of the devil!
Listen to My call, beloved children that you are, for time is short and you do not know what is at stake! This world will pass away and a better, more beautiful one will come, but it will only be attainable for children who are faithful to Jesus, all others will not attain it!
So turn back, give your yes to Jesus, come to your senses and begin to live your life with HIM, who is your Redeemer, keep the commandments of the Father who is your Creator, and fill your hearts with the love of Jesus Christ and pass this love on to your neighbor!
If you do not, you are lost, for the devil has you in his hand and in his clutches, even if you are not able to see it!
I, your mother in heaven, warn you, for your salvation is at stake and the salvation of your loved ones and neighbors!
The more you sin, the more horrible your eternity will be!
Do not believe that ignorance will help you! On the contrary! The devil uses it to get you in his tentacles, and he tightens the cords he has stretched as a net around you, around your life and the world, so that you cannot escape and he gets eternal claim to your soul!
Do not be foolish, beloved children, do not be blind!
The devil is up to no good, and your only hope is and remains Jesus, but you must find HIM so that HE can save you, and your prayer is the first step towards HIM, your YES, irrevocably, and your willingness to love HIM and put HIM first in your existence!
So listen to My call, turn back and commit yourselves completely to Jesus! Without HIM you will be lost and your suffering will be great! With HIM but you will be prepared for these days to come, and great will be the joy in your hearts when HE comes again to redeem and take away those who have been truly faithful to HIM.
So pray and forsake sin, purify yourselves! In Holy Confession and through repentance and contrition My Son will forgive your sins, but you must use the Holy Sacrament of Confession to be freed from sin!
Whoever does not repent, whoever does not atone, whoever continues to sin will gamble away eternity, and neither the New Kingdom of My Son nor the eternal glory of the Father will he attain.
So listen to My call and repent, beloved children that you are. I, your Mother in Heaven, implore you, for the time is short, the warning is near, and the dark time will be hard, so hard. Amen.
With deep love,
Your Mother in heaven.
Mother of all God's children and Mother of salvation. Amen.
Our Lady refers to the current President of France. His husband disguised as a woman shows the perversion of all morality. The same applies to a former president of the USA with dark skin. Both are part of the unholy trinity. The third person of this abomination will bring the mark of the beast. It is a microchip that is implanted under the skin and takes control of our body and soul. He uses an upside down cross as a symbol for his missiles and satellites. It is high time for humanity to wake up before it is too late.*
Source: ➥