My Word:
Powerful Armor for the Demise of Fortresses!

My children, My Word is a powerful armor for the demise of fortresses; I give it to you so your Armor is complete and therewith you can repell all attacks of my adversary. Remember that the strongest attacks will be in your mind, senses, powers, memory. It is in the mind where you will receive attacks most frequently. My adversary knows you, and of your weaknesses: if he has control over your mind, it will be easier to control your body. For this, I give you today My Word, which is the Sword of the Spirit, for you to implement and use it every time you receive mental attacks. And so, your Armor is complete, for you to wear every morning and night, and teach it to others; remember to extend it to your relatives. I remind you of it so that you may defend yourselves during these times of spiritual battle.
My little ones, I want to announce to you that I will be with you for a short time, after my Warning I will be apart for the compliance of all that it is written; do not be sad, rejoyce, I leave to prepare for you dwellings in the New Heavenly Jerusalem. I leave you My Mother, My adoptive Father Joseph, My beloved Michael and the legions of Archangels and Angels, which together with you, my militant army, will defeat My adversary and his hosts of evil.
My Flock, make use of the power of My Blood and Wounds, so that you could be protected from the attacks of the evil spirits!

My flock, humanity separated from Me, is falling into both despair and intolerance. Violent acts are coming to extremes because of the lack of God in the hearts of many people. Be very careful and very prudent in speaking and acting, because from it your peace of mind will depend on. Seal yourself and your children, family, people and places where you are going to stay during the day before leaving your homes because the spirits of intolerance, violence and aggression are on the loose, making the blood run and bringing many misfortunes.
Without wearing your Spiritual Armor, do not go out to the streets, for you run the risk of being attacked by the spirit of intolerance that dwell in the bodies of those who live without God and without Law. Remember that sin and evil are on the rise and are part of the life of a vast majority of humankind. If you want to live in Peace, do not enter into the sterile discussions, neither raise your voice, nor impose your way of thinking, so that you do not break the harmony, because intolerance is on the loose and because of it, many unnecessary misfortunes and deaths are happening. Remember, it is better to lose an argument, than to lose a friend or life; move away from violent people, because they only seek to make the blood run. Respect the opinion of others and the rights of others, so that you can live together in peace and do not forget that the inept and the ignorant also have their own truth.
The power of My Blood and of My Wounds, united to the Rosary of My Mother will protect you, if you use this Armor with faith; apply them to the incarnate evil spirits and the spiritual forces that roam the air, so that you are able to emerge victorious in the everyday battles. Only with your Spiritual Armor on in the morning and night, with the Power of My Blood and of My Wounds and the Rosary of My Mother, you can overcome the forces of evil. So keep these instructions in mind, My flock, so that you can repel the attacks and deceptions of the evil spirits.
Consecration to the Glorious Blood of Jesus
Consecration to the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ
Marian Militant Army, Your Banner Will Be My Rosary and My Son’s Cross, Printed on a White and Red Fabric with the Image of Our Two Hearts!

My Marian army peace of God be with you all and my maternal protection help you always. My brave and faithful little children, oil your armor with prayer and strengthen your defenses with faith, love and trust in God, for the final battle for your freedom is about to begin. I need you ready and prepared for you to join me and the heavenly hosts, and together defeat my adversary and his armies of evil off from the face of the earth.
I your captain summon you to prepare yourselves physically, psychologically and spiritually for the spiritual battle which will give you your freedom. The sign of the cross of my Son in the heavens will declare the proximity of all the events described in the Holy Word of God and the messages we have send to humanity through our messengers during these recent times.
Militant Marian Army, your banner will be my Rosary and the cross of my Son, printed in red and white cloth with the image of our two hearts. This is the flag you must print and brought with you into battle. My adversary will flee if you bear it with faith, lift up my banner as did our servant Moses with the staff that gave victory to the people of Israel. I your captain will keep your company with Michael and the heavenly hosts to guide you towards victory. Forward my warriors remember that success belongs to our two hearts!
I announce to you my children, that the time of Divine Justice is about to be unleashed, the cross of my Son will soon appear in the sky and all flesh shall see it, many graces will be received by those who honor it, it is the cross of Golgotha which will strengthen you in spirit and prepare you for the Warning. Children, for seven days and seven nights the glorious cross of my Son will remain in the sky, I ask that you offer up all your miseries and sins, as with your relatives more distant from God, so they can convert during the awakening of consciences and thereby join the flock of the great Shepherd.
Children, the time of the miracle will be very short, but enough for the evangelization in all the earth. All my faithful children will help to finally waken the lukewarm souls so they are not to be lost and be able to define themselves once and for all. The miracle will be the time of the great harvest, the wheat will be separated from the chaff and the sheep will be separated from the goats, thus the flock of my Son will be ready.
Therefore little children remain awake, do not fall asleep, lest the night finds you unprepared: remember that time is no longer time and at any time during this time all will be unleashed. May my blessing and protection be with you my son's flock. Your Mother, Mary Mystical Rose loves you. The Aguacatala Sanctuary.
Do not fear People of God, because in your passage through eternity, you will be sealed with the Blood of the Lamb on your forehead and you will be given charisma and gifts you may need for the great spiritual battle!

Glory to God in Heaven and peace on the Earth to men of Goodwill.
Who's like God? No one like God!
Seed of my Father, the day is approaching when your soul will go through eternity, there, you will be shown the spiritual state in which you are and in Love and Service, you will be judged. Depending on what you have loved and served, it will also be the place where you will be taken in eternity. A judgment will be cast upon you as it happens to every soul when he comes to eternity and, according to your works, your judgment will be: Heaven, Purgatory or Hell.
The Most High will show you the state of your soul and you will realize how you have tarnished and soiled it with your sin. You will feel sorrow for having offended God through your brethren; you are going to see yourselves with all your misery and you will feel disgust about yourselves by all the sin and evil you have committed in this world. My Father will give you the Grace of Repentance, if you ask Him; not everyone will repent, because not everyone is written in the Book of Life. To other sinners and lukewarm souls, they will be given the opportunity to convert during the time of the Miracle. After this time has ended, only the Children of God and the children of Darkness will remain on the earth.
Do not fear People of God, because in your passage through eternity, you will be sealed with the Blood of the Lamb on your forehead and you will be given charisma and gifts you may need for the great spiritual battle. You will walk in this world through the desert of the tribulation, but the Grace and the Spirit of God will be with you. The tribulations will purify and strengthen you, if with faith and love, you offer God the setbacks of each day. Do not be afraid brethren, the Warning will be a Pentecost for the People of God; in coming back you will no longer feel fear nor you will be afraid, like the first disciples of Jesus, you will also announce in this world that the Kingdom of God is near.
You will be the Militant Army that together with the Celestial Armies, will march victorious. Our Lady and Queen Mary and Your Mother will accompany us and all united in unison, we will say: "Who's like God? No one like God!" That will be our battle cry that will give us victory over the forces of evil.
I want, Militant Army, for you to make a replica of my Banner that you will carry in every spiritual battle, together with the Marian one.
My Banner must carry an image that represents me, stepping on the dragon's head over your world and instead of the sword, a spear, my Armor in gold color with a light blue background and white like the sky; above in red letters, representing the Blood of the Lamb, it should say: MILITANT ARMY BATTLE FLAG: MICHAEL ARCHANGEL.
In the middle of the world in red letters: WHO'S LIKE GOD? NO ONE IS LIKE GOD!
The Marian Battle Flag and mine One on a smaller scale, together with the Rosary, must be worn on your neck, properly blessed or exorcized. This Armor will be a Protective Shield that will free you of the attacks and the incendiary darts of the evil one and his hosts of evil.
May the Peace of the Most High remain in you, People of God. Your Brother and Servant, Michael the Archangel.
Little children, the financial hecatomb is approaching, the elites that govern this world will destabilize the world economy, to make the paper money fall and thus to begin the era of the Microchip, the mark of the beast!

Little ones, humanity does not know what is about to arrive, men continue in their daily life and in their worldly cares, worried only for things of this world. The tribulation is approaching and many will not be prepared to face it. Everything is about to change in the Creation; peace and tranquility are about to be lost, to give the way to chaos, affliction, scarcity, hunger, restlessness, insecurity, fear and all of the other human fears.
The welfare and false security given by money and by material things are about to roll on the ground; the vast majority of humanity that continues to turn its back on God, is going to destabilize and to become unprotected when his gods begin to fall. The tribulation that is approaching has never been seen before on Earth, and it will cause the worst nightmare for this ungrateful and sinful humanity. Poor souls, they put their faith, trust and hope, not in God, but in the material goods of this world and the tribulation will come and it will leave only material and spiritual ruin to them! The vanity of men will roll on the ground, when deprived of what gave them security. They will remain like dead alive and will realize that in losing their power and their money they will be left with only weakness and fragility, that is the essence of the human condition when you do not have God ahead of you.
Flock of my Son, the days of anguish are getting near, but do not be afraid; remember that Heaven will not forsake you, if your faith and trust are steadfast in God. They are coming little ones, the days of scarcity where you have to share everything with your brothers, so that united in faith and love, you can cope with those days of affliction that are approaching. Only if you stay together, you can pass the days of trial.
Little children, the financial hecatomb is approaching, the elites that govern this world will destabilize the world economy, to make the paper money fall and thus to begin the era of the Microchip, the mark of the beast. Remember my children that without the microchip, you will not be able to use your material goods, because very soon everything in this world will move with the mark of the beast.
People of God, beware, you let them implant the Microchip, remember that this is the mark of the beast that we have announced for a long time; It is preferable to die and to lose everything than to be marked! The material passes and God will reward you tomorrow, but the Life of the Spirit, this one is lost forever if you let them put the mark on you.
My children, all those who allow to be implanted with the Microchip, will enjoy their material goods for the duration of the last reign of my adversary (1290 days). After they will know that eternal death awaits them in the depths of the abyss, where they shall be with their master for all eternity. All those who are not written in the Book of Life, will run to implant the Microchip in them; then you will know, flock of my Son, that these are not the sheep of the Good Shepherd's Fold. Then I announce to you my children, that it is all ready to begin the implantation of the mark of the beast, the Microchip, worldwide.
It is only needed the economy to fall, which is already planned by the elites, so that the paper money disappear and everything begins in this world to be handled with points. The Microchip will handle and control everything and those who do not have it implanted will be considered defectors; they will be persecuted, tortured, imprisoned and stripped of all their properties. Hard trial awaits you, little children, but do not fear, Heaven will protect, nourish and take care of you, if you will be steadfast and faithful to God. It will be three and a half years passing by like a dream, if your faith and trust are steadfast in my Lord. Perseverance united to the love of God and to the love of your brethren will be the strength that will carry you safely to the doors of the New Creation, where you will be awaiting the Crown of Life.
May the Peace of my Lord remain in you, my most beloved children. Your Mother loves you, Mary the Mystical Rose.
Read Ephesians 6:10-18+
Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we are not contending against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore take the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, having fastened the belt of Truth around your waist, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the equipment of the gospel of peace; besides all these, taking the shield of faith, with which you can quench all the flaming darts of the Evil One. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. Pray at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints.
Read 1 Thessalonians 5:8,23+
But, since we belong to the day, let us be sober, and put on the breastplate of faith and love, and for a helmet the hope of salvation. May the God of peace himself sanctify you wholly; and may your spirit and soul and body be kept sound and blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Read 2 Timothy 4:3-5+
For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own likings, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander into myths. As for you, always be steady, endure suffering, do the work of an evangelist, fulfil your ministry.
Read Ephesians 4:22-24+
Put off the old man that belongs to your former manner of life and is corrupt through deceitful lusts, and be renewed in the spirit of your minds, and put on the new man, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness.
Prayers, Consecrations and Exorcisms
The Queen of Prayer: The Holy Rosary 🌹
Various Prayers, Consecrations and Exorcisms
Prayers from Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch
Prayers for the Divine Preparation of Hearts
Prayers of the Holy Family Refuge
Prayers from other Revelations
Prayers by Our Lady of Jacarei
Devotion to the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph
Prayers to Unite with Holy Love
The Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary