Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Sunday, April 5, 2020

Call of Jesus of Mercy to His Faithful People. Message to Enoch

My Beloved People, My Rosary of Mercy, Together with the Rosary of Provision, Will Be of Great Help for the Times of Hardship and Hunger That Are Approaching!


My Peace and the Joy of My Holy Spirit, be with you all.

My Beloveds, I am your Jesus of Mercy who communicates with you today, through him, My little prophet. Don't be afraid, My people. I will not forsake you, remember that I am with you until the end of time; obey My instructions and put them into practice; And I assure you that nothing or no one, no virus, no plague, no catastrophe, no famine, or any other calamity can touch you.

Do in faith, My Rosary of Mercy, ask for My protection and do not fear; My Rays of Mercy will protect you and keep you from all evil and danger. I ask you: why are you afraid, if I am with you? Where is your faith and trust in Me? If you were men of faith, you would not feel fear, and nothing, or nobody, could steal your Peace. Look, you are so fragile, like small children, at the slightest misfortune, you tremble with fear; and then you cry out to heaven and remember Me.

I want, My little ones, that you strengthen yourselves in the faith, so that you can resist tomorrow the great tests that will come to you. Do not fear. If you put your faith and trust in Me, I will be your strength that will help you overcome the tests. Prayer, fasting and penance will strengthen you; Also read My Holy Word, which is the Sword of the Spirit, so that you can face the attacks of the evil one. You must wear the spiritual armor before entering any combat; Prayer, fasting and penance, together with the prayer of the Holy Rosary of My Mother and the prayer of My Rosary of Mercy, you should never miss.

My beloved people, My Rosary of Mercy, together with the Rosary of Provision, will be of great help to you in the times of scarcity and famine that are approaching. Do them in faith, and ask for My provision, and heaven will send you the Manna for each day. Again I say unto you, do not fear. I am your Refuge, Livelihood, Shelter, and above all, I am your God. Come to Me, all of you who are tired and weary, so that I can relieve you. (Matthew 11, 28)

Rosary of Provision

(For times of scarcity and famine)

O infinite Mercy of God, who you care for the people of good will, the needy, the widows and orphans and meet their material and spiritual needs, open the pantries of heaven and in the Name of the Father, (blessing) in the Name of the Son, (blessing) and in the Name of the Holy Spirit, (blessing) send me the provision I need to fulfill My needs for this day. (make request). Creed and Our Father.

On the large beads: I can have grace and mercy even in times of need. (Hebrews 4:16)

On the small beads: In the Name of the Triune God, Divine Mercy, provide me. 10 times

At the end of each decade, an Our Father is prayed and you start as at the beginning. O infinite Mercy of God ...... and so on until the end of the five decades. At the end of the rosary, pray Psalm 136. Everyone who does this Rosary with faith and devotion will not lack daily bread. It is the promise of Jesus of Mercy.

Rosary of Mercy

Psalm 136 (DRV)

Psalm 136 (KJV)

May My Peace, My Love and My Mercy, always remain in you, My Beloved People.

Your Jesus of Infinite Mercy

Make My messages known to all humanity, My children

Source: ➥
