Messages of Jesus the Good Shepherd to Enoch, Colombia


Thursday, July 15, 2021

Call of Mary Sanctifier to the People of God. Message to Enoch

None of My Little Children Who Are Consecrated to My Immaculate Heart Can Be Touched or Harmed by the Devil, Because They and Their Families Are My Property!


Little children of My Heart, may the Peace of My Lord be with all of you and may My Maternal Love and Protection always accompany you.

My little ones, I, your Mother, in the company of your Guardian Angels, Archangels, Angels of Heaven, and Blessed Souls, are already in your world to assist you in the great spiritual battle, which is about to begin. My little ones, you will witness many manifestations from Heaven, especially when you are in prayer, fasting and penance, or when you come in recollection and prayer to one of the sanctuaries. Know then, My children, that you will not be alone; My Father has granted me the grace to accompany you together with the Angels and Blessed Souls, so that you may feel safe and calm in your passage through the desert of purification.

Call upon me, My little children, when you feel attacked and troubled in your mind, say: Oh Mary Sanctifier, bless and sanctify me and free my being from every attack of the enemy of my soul. My faithful little children, I ask you to consecrate or renew your consecration to My Immaculate Heart as soon as possible, so that you may be well strengthened spiritually and thus be able to resist the spiritual battles that are approaching. Consecration to My Immaculate Heart is a protective shield that will not allow you to be touched by My adversary; the demons flee when a little child consecrated to My Heart confronts them, because the power of consecration is terror for the demons. My consecrated ones are part of My Marian Army; they are spiritual shields that will protect their families in the days of the great spiritual battle. None of My little children who are consecrated to My Immaculate Heart can be touched or harmed by the devil, because they and their families are My property.

The prayer of My consecrated ones, especially the recitation of the Holy Rosary, is a scourge and torment for the demons; no soul consecrated to My Immaculate Heart will be lost. I, your Mother, take care of all My little children, but My consecrated children I carry engraved in My Heart. My children, the recitation of My Holy Rosary has more power if you are consecrated to My Immaculate Heart. I, your Mother, care for and protect all My little children devoted to My Holy Rosary, but My children consecrated to My Immaculate Heart, their hearts are more intimately united to mine. Again I tell you My little ones, consecrate yourselves or renew your consecrations to My Immaculate Heart, so that you may join My great Marian Army and together, in the company of the Angels and Blessed Souls, we will defeat the evil one and his hosts of evil from the face of the earth.

My children, I also ask you to resume praying My "Angelus" at 6 am, 12 am, 6 pm and if you wake up at dawn to pray My Son's Rosary of Mercy. The recitation of the Angelus is a powerful spiritual weapon that drives away the evil one and his demons; if you knew the graces that you receive with the recitation of the Angelus, you would take it into account in all your prayers. Begin then, My children, to pray My Angelus, so that the peace and protection of your Mother may always be with you.

Be in the Peace of My Lord, My Beloved Children.

Your Mother, Mary Sanctifier

Make known, My little children, the messages of salvation to all mankind.

Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary given in Jacarai

Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary by Luz de Maria

Consecration to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary

Consecration to the Virgin Mary

The Angelus Prayer

The Holy Rosary

Rosary of Divine Mercy

Source: ➥
