Messages to the Holy Family Refuge, USA
Saturday, November 15, 2014
Come Holy Trinity, Holy Family, and St. Michael and all of Heaven for protection of God’s Words
My most beloved son and all of My children, We wish you love and peace this day. Bishop Danylak and St. Norbert wishes you love and peace and many blessings. They are helping you all the time with St Michael and a legion of angels and many, many saints to protect you and your friends and all that you and your friends are doing for your God and the world for the salvation of souls.
I came to tell you My Father is very tired of the sins of the world and the sins of America. Make sure you get everything you need before your birthday (December 1st) because many things will be hard to get after this month. The one world government is ready to make a big move to stop and shock your country. Make sure that all My children have food and water and warm clothing ready for anything and have all fuel tanks, coal or heat for your houses and have plenty of water or a way to get it if electric is out. Have everything ready that you can think of. Shut off the electricity in your house for a couple of hours and then see what you are missing. Do it after dark and it will tell you much more than during the day. My Father has warned and told you that the chastisement and Warning would happen this year.
My children pray like you have never prayed before and beg My graces like you have never done before because you will need all the help from Heaven that you can get because hell is about to come out on earth. This is the choice of the people because of all the sins of the world and especially My chosen America who betrayed Me just like Judas . I gave America everything and protected them for many years but they sold their souls to satan and became lazy and sinful and lustful. There is no turning back because you have jumped off the mountaintop and it is just a short time when you will hit bottom with the biggest crash that America has ever seen. Satan is ready for his last move before God will come and destroy all evil on the face of the earth, but the people will suffer greatly for all their sins for the sake of saving their souls. This is the only choice left for your God to help save My children’s souls by letting them suffer dearly yet while on earth so they will turn back to their God and repent or the majority would lose their souls to satan and your God loves all of you too much to let you go to hell for all eternity. I am a good Father and I am going to correct you the way a good father would correct the most stubborn of children. It will be painful but it will save many of My children from hell.
I will now speak to My religious. I tell all of you that many of you are teaching heresy to My children. I am the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. There is only one truth in the church, the holy Catholic apostolic church. Much evil came out of Vatican II, they did not uphold the truth that was passed on to them. The leaders made many changes that they made up themselves and then started leading all My children astray. They took the full truth that was in black and white which My children could understand and made it into a grey area that could not be understood or followed correctly. That is the reason the church is in such a mess now and bishops are against bishops and priests are against priests and lay people against lay people because Vatican II was influenced by satan himself and all the masons and all the groups of heretics. This is a lesson from Jesus through God the Father’s mouth before all falls. Learn your true faith now before all falls because the new Era of Peace will be all truth that the one holy Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church teaches and will always teach. Love, Jesus.