Messages to Maria for The Divine Preparation of Hearts, Germany
Monday, January 18, 2016
To the hypocrites among you!
- Message No. 1121 -

My child. My dear child. Please listen and write, for Our Word must be heard.
Tell the children of the earth today, they must convert, for the Lord will come to redeem them, but they must be ready for HIM!
The angels of the Lord.
--- My child. Please tell the children of the world that no soul who loves Me will be lost. But it must be true, genuine love and not a superficial one, which is not genuine, not intimate.
All hypocrites will be lost, so be warned you wolves in sheep's clothing, for I will come and stand before you, and the truth I will show you.
So pray and plead for My and the Father's forgiveness, for whoever hypocrites, whoever pretends to love Me superficially, will soon be exposed.
And woe to him who has not pleaded for My forgiveness: he will be lost and suffer forever, for the suffering he did to the Father and to Me, to the children who love Us, he will experience it himself a million times over, and he will plead for relief, but then it will already be too late for him.
So now turn back and do not hypocrite, for he who hypocrites lies and will not attain My Kingdom.
Get ready, for time is short. Amen.
I love you, My children. Prepare yourselves for My Second Coming. Amen.
Your Jesus.
Savior of all God's children and Savior of the world. Amen.
Make this known, My child. It is important.
"Even the hypocrites will experience My grace if they repent and make themselves ready for Me. Amen."
Source: ➥