Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA
Sunday, March 3, 2019
Adoration Chapel

Hello, Jesus ever present in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. I believe in You, adore You and worship You, my God and my King. I love You, Lord. Thank You for Holy Mass and Communion this morning and for being able to sit with my family at Mass. Please bring home all who are away from the faith, especially (names withheld). Lord, please prepare my heart for the upcoming pilgrimage. I seem to be finishing projects, taking classes and working right up to departure, and never really feel reverent when it’s time to leave. Help me, Lord to be more spiritually prepared. Help us all to receive the graces we need and to be open to all You want to give us, Lord. Blessed Mother, prepare me in the school of Your love. Bless (name withheld) and keep him spiritually, physically and mentally protected, Jesus, please heal all who are ill, especially (names withheld). Help all who have Alzheimer’s, cancer and renal failure. Heal and comfort and console those who have epilepsy including (name withheld). Keep the sick ones close to Your Sacred Heat, Jesus. Keep us all close to Your Heart, Lord. Please help us to ban the killing of our little innocents by abortion, Jesus. Help us to stop this terrible atrocity. Lord, I also lift up (name withheld) to you. Help him to mend so that he is able to get around by himself. I pray this for (name withheld) also. Lord, I haven’t seen her for some time. I hope and pray that she is alright.
Lord, I am so very sad and disappointed in our Congress for not passing the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Bill. It’s such a tragedy in our country that we permit abortion and now we are saying with the absence of a law to protect babies who survive abortion, that infanticide is legal. These crimes of murder are against Your Commandments, Jesus. Evil has become commonplace, Jesus. Please save us from ourselves, Lord Jesus. Things look very dark right now, Lord in our Church and we are in need of Your saving power. Make us holy again, Lord so that we ca be salt and light to our sinful culture.
“My child, My child, My child, this most blatant act defying My laws and giving, even more license to murder those who by a miracle of My grace escape abortion, is intolerable. Woe to those who take the life of even one child. Souls who refuse to repent have already condemned themselves to the fires of hell. Pray for the souls of all involved in this horrific crime of the killing of My sweet, innocent little ones who are most precious to Me. Their blood cries out from the soil of your nation and I hear the cries of those robbed from the life I gave them. Wake up, children of America and see how evil and depraved you have become. Blood floods your streets and you are too blind to see it. Those who have spiritual eyes and ears, you see the blood seeping out of the ground, flowing in the streets and filling your lakes and ponds. You curse your own nation and kill your present and future generations. Millions upon millions of souls I created are being robbed of life. How many future saints died as infant martyrs instead because you desire to play satan. You are not playing at being God, but at being satan. Turn from your wicked ways now before it is too late for your souls. My Children of Light, you must fight this evil. You are not doing enough, My children. I went to the cross for you and for My little ones who are being snuffed out like tiny sparks stomped on around a campfire. These are children. These are the future generations. You not only allow them to be killed but prevent all of their offspring and future generations to be born. How wicked is this age. How rebellious and evil is this age. Stop this killing, My children of America. You are leading the entire world into this murderous crime of abortion. How many decades I have allowed pass so that you would turn back to Me and yet with more time your sinful condition grows worse. You must pray harder. You must fast. You must push back against these wicked laws that are laws against your Jesus. These are not true laws, they are licenses to commit murder. How long before I must chastise you severely? How long, My children? You must act quickly. You must act decisively to vocalize your rejection of these so-called laws. I have given you a leader who stands for life. Do not waste this opportunity, for the evil tides will wash over all of you. It is not only My little ones, but all children and the elderly will be targeted next. All who are disabled will be targeted. The goal of My adversary is to wipe out the human race. Genocide is its name. Death and destruction is his aim. He does not even need war to do this presently. He has turned mother against her children. Fathers against mothers, parents against children and grandchildren. It is worse than so many of you realize. When I look at your land, I see the blood of holy innocents and I hear their cries. Repent, My children of the U.S. for your judgement is near.”
“My child, My child, I cannot spare you these words. I cannot spare you. You are My messenger. I am warning My messengers so they can warn others. These times are dire indeed. With each obstacle to life; licenses to kill increase. There is little regard for the sacredness and dignity of life. Confusion and insanity have replaced ethics and morals. Sins against God and nature abound and are given a place of honor in your country. Sodomy is called ‘marriage,’ killing is called pro-choice, and sexual sin is called sexual liberation. Lies, lies, lies heaped upon evil intent. Children are sinned against in the most egregious ways. All of Heaven prays for the people of earth. It is well past time to act, but act now, pray much, fast and be prepared to give your lives for the faith. This evil must be defeated by My people and with the help of Heaven it will be.”
“One way or another it will, but you will prefer to be part of the solution, My children, then waiting for Me to issue the final blow. I will act, but it will be late when more souls have been lost. By cooperating with Me now, many souls will be saved. Do not allow your nation to be worse than Sodom and Gomorrah. Repent and wake up now, My children.”
“This is all I have to say, My little lamb.”
Jesus, I am heartsick and I can hardly bear your anger. I am sure it is only a glimmer of the fullness of your righteous anger. Help us to turn back to You, Jesus. Help us, Lord. Give us the grace to fight this evil, Lord. Help each one of us to know what you want us to do. Guide us, Jesus. Direct us, each one of Your Children of Light.
“My little lamb, this can no longer be a ‘cause’ that calls only those who are interested. My people say, ‘I am not called to do this or that. I do not feel called.’ My child, every one of My disciples is called to defend life. This is at the heart of My Gospel. Who is more oppressed than the baby in danger of abortion? Who is more persecuted, sought after, hunted than the baby in the womb? There is no better cause, no greater cause of your time than stopping abortion, than protecting the holy innocents. You all must pick up this cross and stop this holocaust now while there are still people alive. The greatest threat to mankind is the evil of abortion. The time for all of My children to take up this call to action is now. Be at peace. Do not add violence to more violence. Pray. Act with love but be firm. Speak out. Stand in prayer and show your rejection of this evil by your physical presence. Witness to the victims of abortion. Be merciful and forgiving, but also extend your love and your material assistance. Be heroic lovers of life and get involved to stop this evil of your day. Call on My Mother to help you.”
“My child, that is all for now. Be at peace. Be merciful. Be love. Show others your love and your mercy. Give them Me, your Jesus. I bless you in the name of My Father, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go now in peace.”
Source: ➥