Messages to the Children of the Renewal, USA


Sunday, June 20, 2021

Fourth Sunday after Pentecost


Hello, my dearest Lord Jesus ever present in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. It is good to be here with You. Thank You for Confession yesterday and Holy Mass. Thank You for Holy Communion and Mass today, Lord. Happy Father’s Day, Lord God Creator of Heaven and Earth. Thank You for being the most perfect, loving, merciful, just Father. Thank You for loving mankind and for creating us, Father. Thank You for sending Your son, Jesus to redeem us! Lord, please bless all earthly fathers. Bless and protect my husband, I am so very grateful for his life and his love. Thank You for every good thing You give us and for being with us in all facets of life. Lord, that all may know You, please, reunite all who are away from the Church and bring them home. Help all souls by Your grace during the Illumination of Conscience. Give us all the grace to rely completely on Your mercy and goodness.

“My daughter, thank you for your prayers. They are pleasing to Me. I am pleased with My children who adore Me in the Eucharist. For those who long to do so, but are unable due to age, infirmity, or other circumstances, I see the longing in your hearts and this desire that you have pleases Me. We are united even when it does not appear so. One day, we will no longer be separated from one another, but united in My Kingdom. The holy desire that you have is out of love for Me and this was of comfort to Me during My passion. Yes, My children, I saw not only the sins of everyone in the world who had gone before My time on earth, but the sins of every person who would be created were also before Me during My agony in the garden. I was tempted, also by the souls who would be lost, in spite of My suffering and death because of their desire to choose evil and to reject God. This gave Me the greatest distress, but I also saw the souls of those who would come, and their heroic and loving acts for love of Me and this consoled Me. I died for each and every soul created by My Father, and yet those who reject Me to the end of their lives, caused Me the most pain. I do not want to lose even one soul but you are all created with the gift of free will, and therefore some will not choose what is best for them. Thank You, My faithful ones who will not abandon Me. I will never abandon you, My children. I will not abandon even the souls who reject Me. Pray for them, My little lamb that they will become disciples of Mine.”

Yes, Lord I will pray for graces to be open to You and to Your love and adorable Will.

“My child, many people must pray for lost souls. The time will come for them that will be too late, so they must decide for Me now. Do not wait My lost children. Come now and return to Your Father.”

Lord, please protect all who will travel this summer for vacations and meetings. May their journeys be safe and may they witness everywhere they go. I am very concerned about those who took the vaccine, Lord especially when flu season starts and they receive flu shots, too. Lord, this will be another wave of illnesses and many deaths. Please protect the people who were not aware of the evil intentions of the developers.

“My daughter, I am working in the hearts of men and women and leading those who are attempting to discover the means to reverse the ill affects of this injection. The people who developed this are playing at being gods and this is only the beginning. They are planning to continue developing other genetically modifying medications that will poison the human race. They say they do this in the name of science, but I say they are doing this work in the name of evil. They are fully aware of this, My child. Those controlling this agenda at the top are working in the name of evil. They conspire against humanity, My child. They plan and will evil and harm. They desire destruction of the human race. They make war against God’s children, for the greatest creation is the creation of the people of God, the human race. Evil cannot strike God, nor His holy angels, but it can strike humanity, God’s children. Evil satan even uses My own children to work his deceptive, destructive plans. My child, My little one, you know he will not win. He will not prevail, but sadly, many children of Mine will die because they choose to accept the poison he gives. They fear death so much that they listen to and heed the evil agenda which promises health, youth and life when it delivers sickness, debilitation and death. Evil wants to cause despair, darkness and the feeling of abandonment, to lure souls away from God. I am unity, love, truth, goodness and beauty. I will never leave you, My children. Do not despair, for I have already conquered sin and death. Though the body dies one day, your soul will live forever. Choose the life of your souls always, My children. Choose salvation for Heaven is your inheritance and My Kingdom awaits you. First, you must live out your days doing good on the earth. Be kind to all you encounter. Be light and hope for your neighbors and friends. Welcome the stranger and see to each other’s needs. Build a community on earth of love. You will attract souls by your love and by your joy in the Lord. My children, focus on what is important now. There is no time for worldly entertainment. Seek that which is good, pure and holy. Read and watch “entertainment” about the lives of the saints, the apparitions of My Mother throughout history. There are volumes of books written by holy people, saints, mystics and doctors of the Church. Think, read and reflect on sacred Scripture and books that raise your mind and heart to God, to His creation, to goodness and beauty. Be aware of all that is going on so that you are not deceived by those who want to do evil. I am raising up the Godly and arming them with truth. Truth is more powerful than lies. Goodness, more powerful than evil. Love more lasting and stronger than hatred. My children, you know all of what I tell you and you know it well. I say this to remind and to encourage you. Stand for truth. Stand for love. Stand for your Lord Jesus Christ. I stood for you and I stood until I was unable to stand any longer for I was nailed to the cross out of love for you. See how much I love you. Love manifests itself by the sacrifice of the one who loves. I sacrificed myself willingly, out of love for you. The one who loves does not sacrifice his beloved. That is not love! This is what evil does and is doing, sacrificing My children. The evil one makes war against God’s children. Wake up, you who are asleep and see the signs of the times. Prophets of old foretold these times. My Mother during her apparitions, spoke of these times. Prophets of this day are speaking the same words of warning given by My Holy Spirit. Do you not see there are Bishops against Bishops and Cardinals against Cardinals? Awaken from your slumber and do not be one who buries your head in the sand. It is time to wake your brothers and sisters.”

“Soon there will be the unfolding of the events I have prepared you for and when the evil begins, to spiral quickly, you will know the Illumination will be soon.”

“My little lamb, complete the evangelization packets soon so they will be ready to give to souls who will convert during and after the Warning. Prepare all that you can within your homes so you are ready to welcome those I send you. All will be well. Please focus on prayer and being ready.”

Lord, I have been thinking I need to add the extra garden and grow more food. I realize you will multiply what we have but I’d like to have more variety for those who will come. Regardless, I know that you will provide.

“It would be good for you to add to your garden space, My child. Get everything prepared now, for later you will all be focused on the influx of people. All that you get in place now will help you later and make it easier on everyone. I realize I ask much of you, but know that I will assist you. My son, (name withheld) I wish you greetings from Heaven. St. Joseph is and will continue to assist you as you will be a father to many. Please take this role (future role) seriously now and prepare not just physically, but spiritually as well. My son I will also guide you, but you must be open to My Holy Spirit. Lift up your eyes to Heaven and call out to Me each day. Pray to do My Will each day and My plans will unfold. Do not focus on your will, but My Will. You are a loyal and faithful friend. I love you and I am ready to guide you. Thank you for your love. I am granting you peace now, My son. You wrestle with yourself much. Give the inner strife to Me, My son and ask that I replace it with trust, confidence and joy. Many graces await all of My Children. Ask, but also receive. Many of My children occupy their minds with worthless information and focus on many concerns. Remember, My children, you were created in My image and likeness. You are sons and daughters of the Heavenly King. It is time to reflect on this great dignity and begin living as My children. Do not desire what the world gives. It is like many shiny, cheap items. Instead desire the Kingdom of God where the souls of the saints, your family members, await you. This My children is the true paradise. Desire unity with the Lord God. Live the Gospel and follow Me. I love you and I am with you.”

Thank You, my Lord and my God for Your words of wisdom and life. I love You, my Jesus. Amen! Alleluia!

“I bless you, My little one in the name of My Father, in My name and in the name of My Holy Spirit. Go in peace, My children. Be light, be mercy, be peace, be joy. All will be well. All is going according to My plan. Trust in Me.”

Source: ➥