Messages from Diverse Sources


Friday, September 23, 2022

Feast of St Padre Pio

Message from Saint Padre Pio to Valentina Papagna in Sydney, Australia


Today, St Padre Pio appeared to me in the church during the Holy Mass. He came dressed as a Capuchin monk, in a brown habit, but there was something white around his neck. Although he came very happy, he was sad for our Lord for all the offences committed against Him.

Speaking to me in Italian, St Padre Pio said, “Valentina, daughter of the Eternal Father, I have permission to come and talk to you.”

“I come to tell you that I always intercede for your petitions, whatever you ask, but, even with all that I am very close to our Lord Jesus, He does not always respond to all that I ask. I will explain why not.”

“Now in the world, there is too much sin, which greatly offends our Lord. Humanity does not want to repent from the mortal sins they carry in their souls. They don’t realise that one day they will have to give an account to our Lord for the terrible sins they committed during their life.”

“Even the churches are corrupted, in general, even in the Vatican, the cardinals, bishops and priests. This is how it is now everywhere in the world. No one is truthful and honest towards our Lord Jesus anymore. There is so much sacrilege, Valentina. Pray for the churches and for all those who serve our Lord because the evil spirit, that ugly malignant beast, is falsely guiding everyone astray, even the faithful ones. They all need a lot of prayers. Be courageous, tell people to come back to God and repent. Don’t be silent!”

He continued, “Many events are happening, including natural disasters, and they will become worse if people do not listen and change.”

Thank you, St Padre Pio. Pray for us.

Source: ➥