Messages from Diverse Sources


Thursday, September 29, 2022

Bend Your Knees and Adore My and Your Jesus Alive and True in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar

Message from Our Lady to Simona in Zaro di Ischia, Italy


Message Of 09/26/2022 From Simona

I saw Mama, She was all dressed in white, in Her hands clasped in prayer a white rose and a long holy rosary beads made like drops of ice. On Her head Mama had the crown of twelve stars and a thin white mantle that also covered Her shoulders and reached down to Her feet, which barefoot rested on the world.

Praised be Jesus Christ

My dear children, I love you and seeing you here in My blessed forest fills My heart with joy, but alas My children too little do you listen to Me and even less are you ready to put My advice into practice.

My children pray, pray for this world that is more and more in turmoil: darkness and black shadows are rampant in it, taking more and more possession of it.

My children I ask you for prayer: bend your knees and adore My and your Jesus alive and true in the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar. My children, pray for all those who seek the Lord on wrong paths, pray for those who are taken by evil, for those who are lost behind the false beauties of this world. My children, evil brings only more evil, pray children pray.

I love you with an immense love and I want to see you all saved, but that is up to you. My children please let Me love you, let Me guide you.

Now I give you My holy blessing.

Thank you for flocking to Me.

Source: ➥