Messages from Diverse Sources


Friday, October 14, 2022

The Ambush on the Vatican Is Near!

Messages from God The Father to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy


Carbonia October 12, 2022

The New Day faces God's children, they will celebrate the Marriage of the Lamb.

The Banquet is ready, prepare yourselves, or therefore, children of the Light to receive life!

The fall of the Empire of the Gentiles has come to its hour.

I will proclaim My victory with all My children and I will open My new Kingdom, I will open My Garden to Mine, they will dwell in Me and enjoy Me eternally.

Go forth oh you who believe in Me, your God will raise you up "new" in Himself: you will have the gifts of Love and enjoy Love.

The eagle does not lose sight of its prey!

The ambush on the Vatican is near, the enemies will cause great destruction and raise the flag of their victory! Abundant will be the bloodshed! Screams of despair and help will come from the rooms of the masters of the new doctrine.

Beloved children, the Blessed Virgin extends Her Mantle to protect Her children: ... approach Her with true faith and be led; She is the Coredemptrix of the Work of Salvation! Her Mission is with you, the little remnant faithful to Her Son Jesus.

Mary has prepared on Earth her army for the final clash at the defeat of Satan.

Oh, man, you who have embraced the deceiver, know that you will suffer war, hunger, disease; ... despair will be your daily food!

Oh, ungrateful people:

you have trampled on God's Commandments, you have preferred to follow Satan's laws, you have denied Him who is the One and Only True God, the Savior, now you will have your reward, what in your free will you have chosen. Peace to you My children, to you who are waiting to enter the New Kingdom, behold, verily I say unto you, be ready, with your shoes on your feet, your hips girded and your staff in your hand, ... Everything is ready!

Oracle of the Lord!

Source: ➥