Messages from Diverse Sources


Thursday, October 20, 2022

My Faithful Soldiers Have Been Chosen by Me and the Archangels Saint Gabriel and Saint Raphael

Message from Saint Michael the Archangel to Lorena on October 12, 2022



OCTOBER 12th, 2022

Dear Faithful Remnant:

EVERYTHING will begin, but first I want through this Message to ask you to learn to LIVE in the Divine Will, so that the Judgment in the Warning will NOT BE so severe, THERE IS NO LONGER TIME!!!

You Must do Works of Mercy, since through these MULTITUDE OF FAULTS are LESSEN, these last days before everything begins, make MANY PRAYERS, that will grant you INDULGENCES and visit as much as possible the Blessed Sacrament to WORSHIP God. Because He is VERY DISTRESSED by EVERYTHING that is happening in the World; and He will unleash His RIGHTEOUS WRATH because it is necessary for the soon Return of His Son as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah.

Faithful Remnant, My Battalion is ready for Battle!!!

My Faithful Soldiers have been chosen by Me and the Archangels Saint Gabriel and Saint Raphael. Their Missions within this War will be announced on the day of the WARNING. I carry them embedded in My Warrior Heart and their Names appear through Sacrifice and Penance within My Army for being Good Soldiers who are willing to give their lives for My Lord Jesus Christ.

Courage Battalion that the Bloody Battle will begin soon!!!

I will call all My Soldiers one by one on the day of the WARNING to give them their Weapons and their Armor for the Battle.

EVERYTHING is ready and the Angels that I Command are ready to PROTECT the People of God from ALL CALAMITY.

The Sealed have already been MARKED as BELONGING to My Lord Jesus Christ, and the Army of my Lord Jesus Christ and of the Virgin Mary of Guadalupe, they are ready to make themselves known on the day of the WARNING.

If you feel that you have NOT given EVERYTHING requested by Heaven for your Preparation, in an ACT OF HUMILITY, surrender EVERYTHING to God and LIVE this day and all those that come WITHIN THE DIVINE WILL, and this will be the most beautiful gift and most precious that you can give to God the Father.

Living in the Divine Will, will open the Gates of Heaven wide for you, do it from this instant, giving this instant of your lives to the Eternal God, so that He may Reward you with Eternal Life.

There is very little time left, prepare yourselves with a Good Confession and Fasting, it is time to be Faithful men and willing to give ALL YOUR BEING TO GOD, so that He makes you part of His Kingdom in His Eternal Abode where EVERYTHING is Love and you live in happiness and Joy.

Many of you will die, and others will have the OPPORTUNITY to go to New Heavens and Earths with your Bleached Tunics, the IMPORTANT thing is the Salvation of your Souls.

PRAY A LOT FOR SINNERS, since they are unable to Save themselves, but if you Pray for them, perhaps a Spark of Grace can enter their Hearts and they can feel REPENTANCE and their Souls will be Saved.


The Signs have been given, ready and in your positions that, at the Sound of the Trumpets, everything will begin, I invite you to give your last effort, that soon MANY of you will render accounts before the Tribunal of God.

PREPARE for a Good Death, that Heaven awaits you.



Also see:

➠ English: The Way To Follow – Army of Saint Michael Archangel (Lorena’s Messages) (PDF, 536 pages)

➠ English: Blessed Virgin Mary – the Chambers and a Way to Holiness (Lorena’s Messages) (PDF, 17 Pages)

➠ English: The Two Witnesses and the 144,000 Sealed Chosen Ones (Lorena’s Messages) (PDF, 5 Pages)

Message from Saint Michael the Archangel on Sep. 2, 2022

Source: ➥