Messages from Diverse Sources


Saturday, September 7, 2024

It Is Honest and Necessary to Inform, Warn and Spread the Truth That Grows and Unites

Message from Our Lord Jesus Christ to Marie Catherine of the Redemptive Incarnation in Brittany, France on August 21, 2024


Reading: Joshua 5 to 12

Joshua is chosen to lead the Lord's people into the land destined for them. So Joshua marches, followed by the people freed from Pharaoh's captivity. On the plain of Jericho, he looks up and sees a man, standing before him, his naked sword in his hand. Joshua asked "Are you one of us or one of our enemies?". He replied "No, but I'm the Chief of the Lord's army; I'm coming now".

So Joshua by God's directives marched to take the cities God wanted for His People. These cities were then "devoted to the Lord by the interdict".

"Dedicated to the Lord by the interdict" means: consecrated exclusively to God with all that they contain.

The people of these godless cities were evacuated or killed. None had the right to take these cities, keep, buy or sell the booty. Whoever allowed himself to take an object or anything else, transgressed the Covenant and thus committed infamy and was punished severely.

Word of Jesus Christ:

"I bless you My sweet daughter of Love, Light and Holiness: from the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit."

I gave you this text of Joshua's struggles with his people, Mine, who wanted to abide in God's Will. This chosen people had to purify themselves and then, on their way, conquer and purify the cities designated by God and chosen for His people.

Today, children of God called to the gathering in His House, you walk in My Steps toward the Holy Nation, untouched and pure. All that is not of God, all that opposes God, engaging in perversion, profanation and abomination, must be destroyed by the fire that purifies and sacrificed to restore to God, what is His and, for His own.

This world, in these End Times, which presents its hideous and sacrilegious face to God Omnipotent and Infinite Love, is but a mask, a groundless surface, having lost its soul. Those who compose with this world, alas, bear their own death.

Their denial of the Divine Fatherhood would have been enough for their departure, but the hatred they have agreed to bear, by associating in the sect of evil, excites them to persecute all traces of Love, humility and faithfulness to God.

Why dwell on the perfidious deeds and schemes of this world dying in its detritus? Yes, all this has led you into an unbearable desolation that one human alone cannot counter. My dear little ones, your greatness of soul makes evil flee. Know this, you are framed and supported by Heaven: God, the communion of saints and the Chief of the Celestial Army: Saint Michael the Archangel.

Certainly, it's important all the same to see reality and the dangers that threaten and try to keep you captive. It is necessary for those, who have the mission and the necessary charisms, to know the strategies taken in lies and crimes and to discern falsity, the counterfeiter and his servants. Only God can inform you in Truth.

It is therefore honest and necessary, in the greatest respect that God has and manifests towards His children, to inform, warn and spread the Truth that grows and unites. It is necessary to speak the Truth that protects and frees the world from the serpent that has infiltrated making the shadows, blinding and persecuting the weak and innocent.

Those who have access to the Truth, but deny it and prevent it from being revealed, will have the same fate as the lying Fallen and jackal intruders disguised as lambs.

Secrets entrusted, like prophecies from the evolution of mankind, have always been fulfilled IN GOD'S WILLING TIME. The dark being and godless man cannot grasp God's transparency and His Omnipotence, but, crudely, they accuse incompetence and falsity to thus silence the warnings of the Savior God.

Woe to those who denied or prevented the spread of Truth, the Word of God delivered by Mary Immaculate and the witnesses, saints and prophets who gave their lives to save their brothers.

Woe to those who have not respected the Divine Order by manipulating His Word to make it their own, to lead God's people astray into falsity and mortal fall.

My children, learn to read with new eyes, those of Faith and Love, the Word of God which is Light. Preciously guard this privileged link with your Creator, who by every means wants to reach you through His Word, giving you access, through It, to everything that concerns you and leads you to eternal Bliss. Look back over the centuries at God's relationship with His children. You will see, alas, that man, despite all the divine graces received, His assiduous Presence also expressed through Mary Co-Redemptrix, the Saints and the Angels, has not changed in his person and that the proportion of the population who will remain and remain faithful in the Kingdom prepared for all, will be in the same proportion as that of the time of the Exodus.

You who have received the Word, however little you perceive it, grasp it, keep it, It is the link with God of eternal bliss.

You who are filled with this grace by this Divine Word, share It, offer through It, Charity and Hope. The Word became flesh for each of you, all His own.

Joshua led his people, guided by the Word of the Lord. He walked with his liberated people who, in Faith, obeyed, suffering but hoping for the new land promised for them.

In these End Times, you will recognize the called ones, leaders prepared to lead the gathering of God's children, to lead you according to divine directives and His warnings. Listen in your hearts and through those sent to His Church, receive My Word that liberates, saves and protects.

I have promised you a King chosen and prepared for this conquest of Peace and Love. God knows the needs of His children; God recognizes the man of good will; God loves His children and calls them to eternal happiness.

The heavenly road in Christ's Footsteps can only be recognized and followed by those who bear the love of God and neighbor, the first and simple rule and applied by the meek and humble of heart. This path to God opens up in the Word, prayer and worship in Spirit and Truth, in shared Faith, Charity and Hope.

Jesus Christ on your path, in your heart."

Marie Catherine of the Redemptive Incarnation, some servant in the Divine Will of the Almighty, One God. Read on

AUGUST 22, 2024

Source: ➥
