Messages from Diverse Sources


Sunday, September 8, 2024

St John the Baptist

Message from St John the Baptist to Valentina Papagna in Sydney, Australia on August 29, 2024


After Holy Mass, I went to the Chapel to pray. As I was saying my thanksgiving prayers in front of the Blessed Sacrament, including the Divine Praises, suddenly, a saintly person appeared coming from the direction of the Tabernacle.

He said, “Valentina, I am John the Baptist that the Church of our Lord Jesus celebrates all over the world today. Our Lord Jesus sends Me to you to tell you that He is very much offended in the world by humanity. They commit and live in terrible sin without repentance. God cannot watch this any longer.”

“When I lived on earth, I preached, and I would tell people to repent of their evil sins and to convert.”

“Tell people many events are happening and will continue to happen, and it will only get worse. Let them know that we have to make the road pure and clean for the Lord to come.”

“When I lived on earth, I did the best to please our Lord to the point of being killed and beheaded because I loved our Lord Jesus so much. Valentina, you know now you have to make the road pure and clean for His Second Coming. Preach to people, and don’t be afraid. Tell them to change and to repent of their sins. Be courageous—we all pray for you in Heaven, and we all love you.”

Thank You, St John the Baptist, for Your message. Pray for us.

Source: ➥
