Messages from Diverse Sources


Thursday, September 12, 2024

Warnings to America and England – Putin Will Not Give In

Message of Our Lord Jesus Christ to Melanie in Germany from September 2, 2024


Jesus appears to the visionary Melanie during the prayer group and begins to communicate with her through inner images.

The first image shows a kind of white glider or light airplane. The glider is flying through a hilly landscape in the USA.

In the next picture, one looks from an elevated position from the hills to a city with an industrial area. From there, a round cloud of smoke rises in the distance as if after an explosion. An aggressive-looking bear (symbolizing Russia) stands on its hind legs, its front paws raised in the air.

Orange-pink colors begin to glow in the sky above the cloud of smoke, appearing unnatural. Like after a nuclear explosion. A flock of large birds (e.g. geese) flies towards this cloud. The seer also hears a warning signal and feels a vibration, as if triggered by a strong pressure wave.

In the next image, a khaki-colored military aircraft flies in the sky, opening a large flap on its underside, from which a massive bomb of the same color is dropped. A small rectangular plaque is attached to the bomb - yellow on the left half and black on the right half. The plane passes over the English Channel in the south-east of England and shortly afterwards a high wave hits the coast of England near London. However, the water does not reach the capital. Jesus seems to foreshadow the consequences of England and America not taking Putin's threats seriously.

The picture changes again. Against a gray-white cloudy sky, fighter jets come flying mentally in attack towards the seer. She then sees one of many bright warships with a Russian flag firing a projectile towards land.

Buildings are destroyed and people seem to have been hit directly.

The seer sees a world map on which waterways or water movements emanating from Russia are marked.

The movements go across the North Sea past Germany and England to America's east coast. In the east of the USA, small triangular flags are engraved on the map as target markers. There are two pairs of flags (i.e. two targets) consisting of a red and a white flag as target markers.

Below you can see the interior of a warehouse with initially only one dark gray torpedo a few meters long.

Behind it, many more torpedoes appear in the hall, stored one behind the other and lying ready on metal rolling racks. Their enormous power potential is clearly noticeable. A very threatening and intimidating sight. It is made clear to the seer that Russia is the owner of these underwater weapons and that Russia has an extraordinarily large quantity of weapons at its disposal.

Russian President Putin comes into the picture and he is ready to unleash heavy artillery if - from his point of view - he is further provoked. A glass box with a red button underneath first appears in front of him, which then becomes a rather long row of glass boxes with red buttons. Putin can be seen unlocking one of the glass boxes and pressing a red button. This means that he is confirming the use of a nuclear weapon. An elongated projectile is then fired, spraying fire in flight.

The long row of about twenty to thirty glass boxes with nuclear weapon buttons, of which he has many more, underlines Russia's nuclear power and its willingness to use them. Because in the next short picture, a wave goes through the row of boxes and all the boxes open.

Jesus now explains Putin's stance. The Russian president is a strategist and has worked out various tactical considerations and well-considered plans. It seems as if he is attacking a country (in addition to Ukraine) as a warning and then waiting for the reaction of his opponents, as if he wanted to say that people should be careful about testing their strength against him.

The seer sees Putin standing at the desk with the red buttons under glass boxes, ready to use them.

Once again, Jesus gives the advice to enter into negotiations with Putin and to deal with him, because he will not give in. He would rather bomb England and America and possibly other countries with all available weapons.

Jesus appears next to the seer and draws her gaze to Himself. She sees a white robe and a large red heart as well as the bloody marks on His feet. The visionary feels Jesus place His hands on her shoulders. It is an insistent feeling that she must be strong now and He invites her: "Come."

Jesus and the seer are now mentally back at the Grand Canyon. Jesus feels very depressed and sad, as if He regrets something very much. Standing at the Grand Canyon, flying fireballs can be seen again over the USA - as already shown several times in previous messages,

But then she sees the fireball of light and fire that points to the Last Judgment. It is clearly different from the fireballs that symbolize warlike attacks in the vision. It looks like a temporal classification for the Last Judgement. This comes when there is war in America and when the country is “on fire.”

Jesus leads the seer on.

She sees a white Russian bomb with wings on the sides, which turns around itself in flight. At the tip of this bomb is a kind of disk with a short elongated projection.

This specific bomb is dropped from an airplane and falls from the sky into the English Channel. The perspective changes to the King of England, Charles III, in Buckingham Palace. King Charles looks out of the window and sees in the distance how the water on the English coast is bursting its banks and a large wave is rolling towards the land, causing flooding. The king looks very weakened and is very worried about the country. He sees fighter jets and air raids on England. It is a clear warning to England and its decision-makers.

These events are not yet certain. They can still be averted.

"Pass on My warnings, child", says Jesus, "Pass on My warnings and do not be reluctant to ask Me for help. I am always there to take care of My children. Turn to Me. I am the Lord your God."

"In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen

Praise be to Jesus Christ, for ever and ever. Amen"

Source: ➥
