Messages from Diverse Sources


Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Paris and Putin with a Wolf’s Face

Message of the Holy Virgin Mary to Melanie in Germany on September 7, 2024


Warning to France

The seer Melanie has an apparition of the Holy Mary, Mother of God.

She has a particularly strong presence in the room that day and says: "War. I want to issue a warning."

Thereupon, the Mother of God begins to communicate information through inner images. First, the Arc de Triomphe in Paris and the Champs Élysées can be seen. In the vision, fighter jets fly through the city and fire volleys in flight. Military vehicles drive on the Champs Élysées. Something large falls from the sky onto the city and a very large light flashes there. But then Mary shows an image of Her bending over the city with Her upper body. She wants to assure the French population of Her protection and at the same time issue a warning. It is a warning for France.

Now Mary asks the visionary to look closely. Something unrecognizable flies past in the sky at lightning speed. Then a large, long bomb falls from the sky onto the city.

It hits a church. The Sacré-Cœur comes to mind. However, the image “freezes” during the detonation, so the full extent is not shown. Mary indicates that it should be understood as a warning to the French population, who would act as a consequence of something.

Our Lady wants the French to know that She understands them as a proud people with great national pride. Images of the past with armed troops marching up come up. It symbolizes war-tried France. Among other things, it is the splendor of history that the French are proud of – as part of their identity, Mary suggests. The resulting self-confidence seems to make them combative or militant. But Maria warns that times have changed and that this attitude could have a negative effect on them today. Therefore, Maria suggests that they now let the combative attitude of their country's identity rest and focus on peace. The scenario described above in Paris can be avoided.

Putin holds a trump card in his hand

The picture changes to show Russian President Putin and an unrecognizable interlocutor. Putin's face keeps changing between a human and a wolf face. This image is reminiscent of the fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf”. It points to an insidiousness that poses a danger. Putin's wolf-like smile seems unpleasant and mischievous. As if he had something evil in mind or something up his sleeve that no one suspects.

Putin is signing something in the next image. It conveys the feeling of his posture and seems to suggest that he would allow the thought of a radical change now or in the future.

The image changes again. A pocket watch appears and the seer hears the words “Time is running out.” It is the announcement that the entire situation will change and that everything will turn upside down as a result. Maria refers to the tipping point that was already described in message #112. It seems that this would be triggered by something actually trivial and the situation would escalate as a result. “Time is running out” is repeated. “We are running out of time.” This development will take place in a very short period of time, perhaps days or a few weeks.

The last image – a bald eagle screaming loudly. A small jet has caught fire and is falling from the sky, trailing black smoke behind it. Before it crashes, a larger jet passes it. It looked like an attack.

Mary bids farewell with the words:

"Hurry to publish this message.

Take My blessings with you. Bring them to your brothers and sisters in faith. Assure them of My motherly care.

Assure them of My Immaculate Conception. I am always available and ready to help you.

Call Me and I will be there. If you call Me from your heart, I will answer from My heart.

Thank you, My child, for making yourself available."

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Source: ➥
