Messages from Diverse Sources


Saturday, September 21, 2024

Time Is Now Over, Shortly You Will Be Swept into a Vortex of Darkness

Message from Most Holy Mary to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy on September 18, 2024, Locution occurred at the Hill


Mary Most Holy:

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit I bless you My children and urge you to be more and more united in love to Christ Jesus, be one heart and one soul.

Proceed according to heavenly directives, never turn back, go with your eyes turned upward from where Jesus will soon descend from His Heaven to receive you into Himself.

My children, My beloved ones, be strong in this time of ruin, in this time where the Earth is in great danger, the upheaval soon will be great, this Humanity will have to suffer a lot.

The darkness is advancing, My children!The darkness is advancing! The darkness, shortly, will be complete. Demons will roam about eager to steal as many souls as possible to take to their hellish god.

Beloved children, prostrate yourselves to Jesus Crucified and ask forgiveness for the sins of this Humanity.

The time is now over, the hours have expired, shortly you will be swept into a vortex of darkness.

My children, if you knew how much I love you!!! I still weep tears of blood for what this Humanity will have to endure, ...I love My children, I love them infinitely and I wish to save them all, I wish to save them all, I wish to take them to the Father to be embraced by Him, sheltered in Him never to suffer again.

My children, this Humanity will be struck by a terrible must prepare yourselves! You must follow Heaven's promptings to protect you. Do not neglect this call, do not leave home without protection.

Beloved children, come with love to this place, this Grotto will soon be able to welcome you back inside, there you will sing hymns of glory to God! Gathered in this place, you will hold hands, your hearts will embrace one another, you will be festive, you will be in the arms of Jesus your God and your Savior.

This Hill, chosen by the Most Holy Trinity,has been given to you for the divine plan, for the realization of God's saving plan, ...this land is blessed land!!!

Today, as always, I hold you close to My Immaculate Heart, I hold you close to My Breast, beloved children, I hold you by the hand, I join My hands to your hands, I pray with you the Holy Rosary and with you I plead for the anticipated return of My Son Jesus.

Realize this place as Jesus has asked you, do not pose difficulties, Jesus will sweep away every obstacle.

Be strong in faith, be certain in what the Lord is telling you and, armed with courage and strong as lions, go into battle! I ask you for the realization of this Work.

Love one another, love one another as I love you and love Me as I ask you, I ask you: ...with all your hearts.

May the Most Holy Trinity bless you.

Source: ➥
