Messages from Diverse Sources


Tuesday, September 24, 2024

I, Mother Clement, Good, Merciful, Forgive and Help the Penitent, the Contrite, but I Punish the Wicked

Message of the Virgin Mary to Mario D'Ignazio in Brindisi, Italy on February 11, 2024


Sweet melodies burst into the air as the Virgin Mary appeared, dressed all in white in a luminous halo. Her face was shining, eyes indigo. She had a long Rosary in Her arm and a blue sash at Her waist. After making the Sign of the Cross She said:

“Praised be the Divine Name of Jesus. Come to Me, weep over your sins, mistakes, I will forgive you -- I, your Mother. Come, I will help you. I heal the sick, the suffering. I free obsessed, I restore exacerbated hearts.

Bring to Me the sick: I cradle and crown them. Do not be afraid, trust in Me and in Jesus.

I, Mother Clement, Good, Merciful, forgive and help the penitent, the contrite, but I punish the wicked.

Blaspheme no more. Abandon backbiting, grudges, wrath, discord.

All this is not easy to implement, but with Me you will succeed. I love you and bless you with My Motherly Blessing. Shalom.”

(The Virgin Mary salutes with a bow and disappears in the infinite PARADISE LIGHT)

We follow the Blessed Virgin in the Way of Fatima, which continues now in Brindisi with the Manifestation of the Divine Court. Let us pray for our conversion, for those who are lost and straying in the ways of the world, under negative influences and through weakness of will. Let us pray for those who sin, without condemning, for we also sin.

Let us educate ourselves to love, forgive, understand and pity; aware of our faults, mistakes and sins. On Earth no one is holy and arrived, but on the way to true conversion, despite all the frailties and miseries that accompany us.

It is easy to judge; it is difficult to understand and pity another's error. God urges us to have more compassion for those who err, without immediately pointing a finger, because three more fingers are pointed at us.

We can all err and fall; but setting ourselves up as judges by being self-righteous and hiding all our flaws, shadows, does not make us better or give a good impression.

Let us avoid easy condemnation, judgment, murmuring, backbiting, gossip; for we do not know what a person lives and goes through, nor what demons act and speak in weak minds.

Let us strengthen ourselves, totally ignoring criticism, judgment, condemnation, backbiting and murmuring; trying not to go along with it. Some effort we can put in.

Judging, criticizing, insulting, flaunting others' sins is easy, but we should question ourselves as well, and we would find much that is wrong. "If you want to judge someone, start with you." "Before you judge someone, make sure there are no saints in your house already." "Do not judge lest you be judged." "Love your enemy." Strong Christian teaching: those who live it and apply it avoid much trouble and enemies.

By loving even the enemy through compassion, recognizing even our own mistakes and faults; and ignoring his criticism and hostility, we truly transcend evil in us and outside us.

Christian teaching is really about Love. “By love they will recognize that you are My disciples.” “We do the evil we do not want” (St. Paul).

This reveals the mystery of iniquity at work in all men, in some certainly more pronounced.

Many of us wonder: but what if we love and others hate us? Patience, their problem. God will judge all of us by our wounds, traumas, loneliness, madness.

The whole truth about us only God knows. He knows if we have changed, if we have converted. We pray reflecting on the Commandment of brotherly love, forgiveness, avoiding falling into our usual sins of judgment and murmuring. We rediscover silence, compassion, understanding toward those who err, because as we want them to do it to us, we should do it to others. Before we are Christians we should be human, and that is what we have really lost: true humanity.



